I have one outstanding order that is already out for delivery. Once I get that, I’m closing my amazon account. I’m done. Buy nothing. Vote with your wallet. Edit: account is closed. get bent Bozos.
Mask off season.
more like mask flip season. they will implement it back with the same speed they unimplemented next time democrats take charge. I think one should collect all these news and keep them for four years so one can compare the news four years later side by side with these. that is if Trump doesn’t go full monarchy on USA’s ass
next time democrats take charge
Love that optimism!
No. It took literal decades to get those initiatives in place. They were implemented veeerry slowly and only because laws were passed.
Makes them easier to identify and target.
I tried to save yall by voting for Kamala
I think the vast majority of Americans on Lemmy did the same.
We did but somehow they still want us to thank them for that being the start and end of their actions.
I hope they don’t hold their breath on getting a thank you from everyone
I’ve never asked for thanks nor have I seen even a single Lemming ask for thanks for their vote.
I have. Go into a comment section on political shitposts
I’m not going to go out of my way for this conversation. Send me a link, otherwise I’ll keep an eye out during my usual browsing.
Also, I think the fact that the comments you claim that you saw are in the political shitposting community should be a sign for you.
I wasn’t really going to go find sources on that either and I realize the origin tells a lot, but every group in here is basically shitposting for something. It’s not an unheard of subsect.
But, I was just continuing the conversation with where I have seen people acting like they have done the Biblical miracles for voting and that they therefore can’t be asked to do more. I tend to notice it cause my obvious aversion to it.
same here homie, same here.
I did my best by not being born in America
Deleting LGBTQ policies is nothing compared to the slow drum of global warming that might wipe us out as a species.
I tried to save y’all by advocating for third parties, who would actually bring in the same level of EO you’re seeing from Trump but instead to focus on education, military cuts, and moving towards green and nuclear
Voting third party in a two party horse race is a fool’s errand. Especially if you voted for known Putin stooge Jill Stein, who was only running to steal away votes from Kamala Harris. She knew she didn’t stand a chance at winning.
Voting “third” party only fails because the great mass of fucking morons who insist on voting for the genocidal, global empire terrorist pieces of shit currently in charge. You can try as hard as you want to deflect that blame, but it will never wash off.
I like your sentiment, but a two party system inherently uses third party votes as spoilers. It is common for the dominate party to support a third party to peel away votes from their major opposition.
One solution to this is ranked voting. Of course many of our politicians recognize this and have already passed laws at the state level to bar ranked voting under the pretense that it is too confusing for voters.
There is no legal enshrinement of a “two party system”. Whoever the public votes for wins. The public’s self-defeating mentality is the problem.
Not explicitly. Just effectively. Between first past the post, which naturally evolves into a two party system. And the electoral college which enshrines it. At the national level actual, independent 3rd parties are an impossibility. And they know it.
Theoretically matter could spontaneously coalesce into a Boltzmann brain before a 3rd party could win a national election.
What’s the point of voting for a 3rd party when they have no members in Congress or the courts? They’d have to coalition with Republicans or Democrats anyways.
Exactly, it’s not like the president has all power (at least not yet, we’ll see where it is in a couple years). Without supporting members of the other branches, a third party president is nearly useless. That said, I’d take a useless but well meaning president over Trump.
^ This speaks to a lack of civics education. Without an overwhelming majority, Congress can’t pass harmful legislation with an executive veto, and the executive can still halt its implementation.
Gridlock is better than streamlined totalitarianism. Vote for them in both. And courts weren’t really partisan before ~2010.
With a “First Past The Post, Winner Takes All”-system like you have in the US, there’s virtually no chance of a third party winning an election, as the majority of the country haven’t even heard of your candidate, and thus won’t vote for it.
And then still, once you get your third party elected president, then what? They’ll have to make huge compromises on their campaign promises in order to get anything done in Congress.
The public choosing to vote for a different party wins in a FPTP system regardless. The obstacle is the public.
“I tried to save you from the empire by voting for the empire”
Honestly, fuck Americans and their insane discourse. Absolutely psychotic, delusional, brainwashed bullshit. You have NO fucking clue what is happening on this planet. This society is a plague on the world, just unleashing an endless series of massacres, and none of you even understand why.
The fact that you would vote for someone complicit in genocide, without even figuring out WHY, and actually think you did something GOOD. My fucking god. And nobody reply to me with this “Trump would have been 5% worse” bullshit, because I’m done hearing it. You are not the heroes of the story. You’ve been indoctrinated to support “global military empire lite” with your fear of “global military empire original”. You sacrifice the lives of the victims of the empire for your illusion of democracy and quality of living, that never existed in the first place. Stop fucking patting yourselves on the back.
Brooooo, it’s not like any of us were thrilled with Kamala either. But in comparison to Trump I was excited for her.
Trust me, we all get that both options weren’t optimal, but we don’t get an optimal option. We get 2 options, and one is usually better than the other. If we keep picking the better one, over time things improve.
People like you tend to protest by not voting at all, or voting third party (which is essentially the same under our current structure). If we had compulsory voting, I highly doubt Trump would have won.
The problem is it’s not a choice between good and better, it’s a choice between bad and worse. We’re hitting the point where the lesser of two evils choices are hitting critical mass.
Aside from not taking a firm stance on Israel, I didn’t have any huge problems with Kamala. I figured she was just holding back on criticism since AIPAC has the power to essentially end careers. That’s probably too optimistic.
“Figured”, “probably” - these are not the levels of certainty you should have on your conclusions regarding a genocide.
I’m still upset about what they did to Jorgensen in 2020. If they hadn’t retroactively banned her from participating in the debates she may have actually had a chance at the seat.
Trust me, we all get that both options weren’t optimal, but we don’t get an optimal option. We get 2 options, and one is usually better than the other. If we keep picking the better one, over time things improve.
People like you tend to protest by not voting at all, or voting third party (which is essentially the same under our current structure). If we had compulsory voting, I highly doubt Trump would have won.
No single drop of water blames itself for the flood. There are 240 million eligible voters, who all have the choice, collectively and individually, to vote for ANYONE. Somehow you are all completely incapable of blaming the entire group for its continual decisions to vote for war criminals and genociders. Rather, you completely invert the blame onto those who DON’T vote for those people. Literally, you ignore the blame for the only people actually responsible, and instead blame the only people NOT responsible. Given the massive efforts to brainwash the public regarding this political system, it’s nearly impossible to not see this as a product of brainwashing as well, because this self-defeating pattern completely neuters any attempt for real political change.
By the way, the Senate just voted 99-0 to confirm Marco Rubio. Including Bernie Sanders, Van Hollen, Booker, Warren, every Democrat. https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1191/vote_119_1_00008.htm Explain that to me once you get done explaining how the Democrats are really the underdog opposition.
Trust me, we all get that both options weren’t optimal, but we don’t get an optimal option. We get 2 options, and one is usually better than the other. If we keep picking the better one, over time things improve.
Also, no, they fucking don’t. The system presenting you with these manufactured options continually clamps down its chokehold on the world as you continue on in your delusion of political choice. It absolutely boggles my fucking mind how after a year and a half of open genocide you think there’s some kind of autonomy between the Democrats and Republicans.
So, the choices were donvict or Biden/Kamala. That’s it. You don’t have to like it (and I certainly don’t), but that’s just reality.
Your depiction of “the choices” is factually incorrect. The population had the ability to run with any candidate whatsoever. You “chose” (or rather, were handed) two war criminal psychopaths to vote for.
You are in a prison of your own creation.
Remember what happened with Bernie Sanders 8 years ago?
We had a chance to put Jorgensen in 2020 and we blew that too. Could have avoided this whole mess if you ask me. Probably the last actually qualified candidate I’ve seen since probably FDR.
That’s a good joke.
Someone doesn’t like genocide, geesh.
How about “I’m the only one of you actually judging this godforesaken system objectively, by its merits, which are nonexistent”.
Ew, this comment is gross.
I know, right? You should delete it.
OK, just fucking stop, this is “I know you are but what am I” level.
LOL, we live in a society that celebrates never maturing and the goal of every post since these types were on reddit, is to say something witty that continues to confirm to the zeitgeist and not push against anything.
I don’t expect any better from them even though I would certainly like to.
I can’t.
It requires the person who thinks they were saving everyone else (assuming y’all wasn’t referring to queers and blacks specifically) by voting and that they can hold it over others to delete it or a mod to.I hope you find the help you so obviously need.
Right, so no response so this is my point. It’s just a conformist shout to show to everyone else that you have heard someone else say it to someone before.
It’s not clever it doesn’t hurt, I understand the response I will get when I say something controversial. Wishing others get help makes it seem like only people you like are rationally minded and people that may not be mentally well are rude which is diminishing to them.
Really just, insult for the moment at least right? Don’t be lazy is at the core of my point and this is exactly that.
What are you even talking about?
Conformity through repeating phrases you think make you sound better is a waste of everyone’s time even to the person they think they are “helping” by saying get help.
I said something controversial and there was controversy? I expect that. My point is to try to convey my opinion anyways cause I don’t care about being silent for decorum.
If you don’t understand my actual words then that’s just unfortunately a common flaw of communicating.
If it’s obvious then what is the help I need?
Whatever help is necessary to stop you from replying twice 2 hours apart to a comment on the internet. Log off.
I was replying to another comment on this chain at the time and it was a point I wanted to make. It’s a forum where all we have are the messages we write to convey our point. So, no I’m alright. I do log off and do other things that’s also my point.
People take the Internet too seriously.
We won’t survive this.
But if we did, it would be my greatest wish that everyone understands this was all brought to you by tolerance of Greed and capitalism.
Greedy people are a blight on humanity and mentally ill in a serial killer, society must be protected from them way.
But unfortunately, since most here still see themselves as temporarily embarrassed millionaires that don’t want to be part of society but live above it, they’ll blame everything but. In that respect, maybe my first point is a silver lining.
Greedy people didn’t survive the French Revolution. Just saying.
That’s funny. Ever heard of Napoleon?
He did die in isolation in a prison on an island. Kinda doubt that counts as “winning” the greed lottery.
He did exploit the situation. But some shit needed to get done to get where it went.
Maybe someday I’ll be a millionaire. Hopefully it won’t be at the same time a loaf of bread is $100 and a million dollars is poverty.
That’s a weird graph. Why does each label have 2 bars?
because saying 0-10% 11%-20% 21%-30% 31%-40% 41%-50% 51%-60% 61%-70% 71%-80% 81%-90% 91%-100% would create a label so fucking long.
It’s implied that each grouping is the top 10% and bottom 10% of each 20% range, to me anyway.
Especially with the tallest having an extra label stating “top 10%”
Probably lazy graphing. I think they’re trying to illustrate the difference between top 10 and 20 percent, then threw the others in as collective 20 percent bands. Pie chart might have been better.
to be more similar to the 10% 20% categories I would guess. the bottom 50% could probably be lumped together and it wouldn’t change much of anything.
I’m not saying you shouldn’t vote with your wallet, but it is basically in vain. Amazon is all but a tax subsidy at this point.
I’ve held off for a while because I’m somewhat rural and I do order a bunch of stuff, but I can’t keep paying this asshole.
Just sucks I’m going to be spending a lot more now that I’ll have to pay for shipping costs :(
Are your shipping costs higher because you’re rural?
I ask because a lot of people assume going off Amazon will be pricier, but I’ve often found that Amazon prices are inflated mask the price of shipping.
It’s a good question to be honest. I pay the $15/month and can get anything delivered. I usually order roughly twice a month, stuff like cat litter and other supplies i’d have to travel an hour to get to or can’t get so I factor my own time and whatnot into that cost savings.
I honestly am just assuming it would cost more than $15 since I’ll be ordering from different places instead of just one now, but I haven’t compared direct prices of product. You could be right.
Yeah, give eBay a shot. A lot of sellers are mom and pop shops and even offer free shipping.
Amazon somehow managed to needle their way into people’s minds as the only option, but there are others out there.
The only true monopoly they have is in same day/next day shipping which I’m guessing you don’t qualify for anyway.
Be cautious with fleaBay. Power sellers can remove negative feedback, so feedback ratings can be skewed!
Dude, have you been on Amazon in like the past 5 years?
I don’t see the relevance of this question. I’ve given up on amazon as their entire system is garbage, but alternatives like eBay have issues too. One of them being my caution above.
I used to look for 97-100% feedback sellers. Now I look for 99-100% and I also paw through the feedback to give myself the best shot at finding a good seller. And as you’ve mentioned, if you can find the mom/pop shop with solid feedback you should be okay.
I commend your efforts… But like, now you’re paying exon more for being part of a less streamlined delivery logistics pipeline.
It’s just like… Unless we’re talking food, or basically becoming Amish, voting with your dollar makes almost 0 dent in evil. Capitalism is Bloodsport.
And even with food… Like, other than buying eggs from your neighbor who keeps chickens and buying produce at a farmers market, we’re pretty much had by the balls as far as being forced to pay some evil piece of shit to exist.
Yeah it’s definitely a “which planet destroying fascist enabling asshole” do I want to pay…
Great choices we have. :/
If voting with our dollar makes no dent, BDS campaigns wouldn’t be effective. It’s easy to feel that way from an individual level, but when it’s a coordinated effort it certainly has an effect and the more people who join in the larger the effect is felt by the capital owners
You can buy much of the same, exact stuff on Temu for way less. You can buy dog food on Chewy for the same price and get free shipping. If you look around, you can usually beat Amazon’s prices and get free shipping. Check out Etsy, Ebay and Mercari, Usually they beat Amazon’s prices. I canceled at least a dozen amazon subscribe and save orders. My daughter picks up stuff for us at Costco since we live hours away from a store. Shop bent & dent stores, discount stores and thrift stores for the next four years.
Temu are pretty scummy in their own right, especially if you use their mobile app. I’d argue that aliexpress is slightly less shitty then both, but not great either.
Eh, there’s always ebay, I just wish they’d do the fulfillment centre thing so packages aren’t coming from 10 different locations.
Thanks for the suggestions!
Oh yeah, by all means, stop using all Amazon related services, then realize that about 50% of web services for banking, agriculture, logistics, infrastructure, telecommunications, research and development, industry, transportation, healthcare and energy are hosted on AWS
“Oh but my service is hosted on GCP”
Yeah and what do you think is the fallback in case of DRP?
I mean we can all do our small part. 🤷♂️ Something is better than nothing.
No, they’re totally right and should continue to spend every dollar they earn on Amazon while bemoaning the death of small businesses.
I… don’t understand this. It’s like it’s only 50% sarcasm somehow.
Yes AWS is the standard for most of the internet, but do you think Amazon won’t notice if a whole bunch of users en masse decide to stop buying things from their warehouses?
I think their store is but a fraction of what they make in AWS, but you have a point.
They have much more built out offerings, but smaller hosting providers and on-premise are always an option regardless. Obviously not including “Azure”.
If your load is stable and predictable then onprem is also cheaper.
Don’t worry guys, all these corporations will bring back those pretty rainbow logos for Pride Month™ and all will be forgotten.
except this will be the start of the year they stop doing that, because now it becomes the “popular” side to not support it.
Oh, you know trump will issue an EP revoking Pride Month, and all the businesses will forget about it. It makes me sick.
Wait, rainbow capitalism wasn’t sincere?
I left the Amazon ecosystem a couple of years ago because fuck Bezos and it wasn’t a big deal, really. Accumulating stuff is a mindset I could reason myself out of. I call it the power of No, thank you. I buy mostly second hand now and it’s so calming. Saves me money as well.That fuck bezos link is gold, thanks for sharing.
Prime? Cancelled.
Kindle unlimited? Cancelled.
Audible? Cancelled.
Twitch? Cancelled.Not one cent from my wallet will ever be in Bezos’ hands again, from here on out.
I’m over a year ahead of you. Dumped prime when they announced ad tier is default for streaming.
The downside is waiting 2-3 extra days for them to ship something you order, if you do order through amazon. They make sure to not release any order whatsoever without prime for days to entice you to bribe them for standard service.
It may be harder for some, but don’t order anything from Amazon either. Shop locally, if that’s still at all possible.
Unfortunately, you are still making money for companies that then pay AWS with the money you give them. Not saying you shouldn’t do what you’re doing, but it’s basically impossible to escape Amazon entirely and use the internet now.
Every little bit helps though.
Yeah. I remember when the net was still pretty open with lots of small players still - and lots of giants trying to achieve dominance. Something like Netflix seems pretty cool until you don’t want to give Bezos money and find out that Netflix runs on AWS. Not sure about other streaming services.
I honestly don’t know what sites and services would work if AWS and a few other things (Akamai, Cloudflare) were cut out of the picture.
Gotta cancel all of your account if youre at all serious. They keep your financial info if you dont
And not just cancel accounts, but also stop going to their website. They get ad revenue from each visit and if you buy anything from them, you’re still giving them money.
Just give them an old card
And block them when their email system spams you to fix it
Good on you. Voting with your wallet is exactly what you should do in a free society.
Sounds like another great reason for Amazon workers to organize a labor union.
“Democracy dies in darkness” said the guy turning off the fucking lights
For those that are unaware, it’s the slogan of The Washington Post, which Bezos owns.
The masks are coming off.
I’m proud to say that I’ve never once bought anything from Amazon. Long before Bezos started to reveal the depths of his psychopathy, the company just grossed me out. There’s something about businesses that are that large and that dominant that just makes my flesh crawl (the same reason I never shop at Walmart or eat at McDonald’s or get coffee at Starbucks or…)
But at this point, it goes way beyond that - Bezos, alongside Musk and Zuckerberg and Ramaswamy and Thiel and so on - is a direct threat to humanity. He and the other would-be oligarchs, under the umbrella of Trump’s ego, are deliberately setting out to destroy the ideals of liberty, democracy and justice in order to build an autocracy in which they will be the masters they believe themselves rightfully to be, and the rest of us will be relegated to being serfs, slaves or corpses.
Sadly, if you’re on the Internet then you are providing revenue to Bezos.
AWS’s power makes him a defacto Techno-Feudal Lord.
are Oracle and Microsoft in the same category?
Yes. Although the ownership of Microsoft shares is more diffuse.
Makes me wonder how many Lemmy instances are running off AWS servers.
It’s very hard to tell, unless the owners disclose this information. A lot of instances run behind Cloudflare or other proxies to hide the real infrastructure.
I don’t blame them. Leaving your server completely exposed is risky. But Cloudflare is another shady company, so I prefer to take that risk for my servers.
I guess I can delete “slow down if I see Jeff Bezos crossing the street” from my policies.
Way ahead of ya pal. I haven’t used Amazon in over 5 years
Way ahead of you: I’ve never used Amazon.
Actually an achievement
@[email protected] You can’t use WalMart either. And didn’t Target remove things after literal in-store attacks by chuds?
What’s your game plan? It can’t be the mall…
And if avoiding using Amazon products is your goal, then large swaths of the internet are off the table too.
I’m not trying to be a jerk. Just illustrating how the oligarchs got us over a barrel when it comes to voting with our patronage.
I haven’t bought anything from Walmart, Amazon, or Target in over a decade, probably close to two. Sure it costs a little more, but I try to source as much as I can from Costco which helps balance but otherwise I do almost all my shopping from local groceries (surefine, tops) and local hardware stores (franchises I know but generally locally owned)
Maybe there’s more to the Target stuff, but it’s a little tough for me to heavily criticize them for pulling merch that was getting employees threatened and hurt. I still wish they’d have stuck to their guns and found a way to protect their workers. I think personally what’s worse was the Bud Light debacle. They caved because of profits, not dangers, and passed off both sides.