The popularity of both of the imperial genocidal candidates is the result of centuries of conditioning and the collapse of the education system and free press. It’s a cyclical problem. We vote them in, they keep us stupid, we vote them in again.
The popularity of both of the imperial genocidal candidates is the result of centuries of conditioning and the collapse of the education system and free press. It’s a cyclical problem. We vote them in, they keep us stupid, we vote them in again.
“I tried to save you from the empire by voting for the empire”
Honestly, fuck Americans and their insane discourse. Absolutely psychotic, delusional, brainwashed bullshit. You have NO fucking clue what is happening on this planet. This society is a plague on the world, just unleashing an endless series of massacres, and none of you even understand why.
The fact that you would vote for someone complicit in genocide, without even figuring out WHY, and actually think you did something GOOD. My fucking god. And nobody reply to me with this “Trump would have been 5% worse” bullshit, because I’m done hearing it. You are not the heroes of the story. You’ve been indoctrinated to support “global military empire lite” with your fear of “global military empire original”. You sacrifice the lives of the victims of the empire for your illusion of democracy and quality of living, that never existed in the first place. Stop fucking patting yourselves on the back.
OK, just fucking stop, this is “I know you are but what am I” level.
Voting “third” party only fails because the great mass of fucking morons who insist on voting for the genocidal, global empire terrorist pieces of shit currently in charge. You can try as hard as you want to deflect that blame, but it will never wash off.
They have much more built out offerings, but smaller hosting providers and on-premise are always an option regardless. Obviously not including “Azure”.
I read what you wrote and responded to it. You are justifying support for genocidal politicians. People like you are the only reason this is happening. Of course you have some fucking excuse, of course you want to blame everyone but yourself. Of course your declaration of compromised morality is prefaced with “I live in the real world”. No, you don’t. You’re a slave to your fears and manipulated by your rulers. You have no idea what accepting reality is like. The power of the people is beaten down into being dictated their political choices by their rulers, and your “solution” is to pick one of the two choices, instead of reclaiming that power. You have chosen subjugation with no vision on how to get out of it, with full knowledge of the mass murder that results.
These people are going to die in the dark and it’s your fault.
The icing on the cake, weaponizing their genocide in a failed attempt to try to make me, what, feel bad? They’re human beings, not a rhetorical object for you to win internet points. This is why I say it’s so clear you don’t care about them at all. If their lives and deaths actually had any meaning to you you would be finding any way to make their genocide STOP. But you quit before you even started.
Can you all shut up with your genocide support justification bullshit. There is no moral or humanitarian plan behind arming a genocide. You are the Nazis, right next to the Republicans, you don’t give a shit about anyone except yourself, you brush aside the mass murder of millions of people in the last two decades all in an effort just to whitewash your hypocritical political identity. I have heard enough of your disgusting rationalizations for a lifetime. I literally want nothing to do with your society anymore except for maintaining my survival.
who is going to supercharge the genocide until every Arab man woman and child in Gaza is dead.
Palestinian. They’re Palestinian. Not “Arab”. “Israel” uses “Arab” to erase their identity. Notice how you do it too, Mr. “Political Expert”.
The problem is morons who thought there was any way out of participating in the genocide.
You participated. I didn’t. Explain to me how the fuck it falls on me that you voted for someone who committed genocide, and they committed it. What the fuck does that have to do with me? I get roped into responsibility by screaming “fucking stop it” for two years, doing everything in my power to stop it? No, fuck you. You’re responsible. I didn’t pull the trigger. I didn’t fucking cheer on the guy pulling the trigger, or the guy who handed him the gun. I’m back here watching with sheer horror, knowing every single idiotic fucking mistake in your brains that resulted in this. You try to pawn it off on me because of this imaginary fucking difference you’ve been sold between the morality of two people who are both behind a genocide, acting like genocide is an INEVITABILITY for a society. Do you not understand how fucking insane what you just said to me is? Yeah, of course the people in a society that’s committing genocide believe it’s inevitable, because if they had a fucking ounce of sense, their society wouldn’t be committing genocide. 300+ million people, who collectively have the power to do anything, to make their society ANYTHING, but their brains are so fucked and manipulated they think they MUST support genocide, they MUST support their rulers who want to commit genocide, because otherwise it’d be “genocide plus another 5-10%”. And actually try to convince people that the people committing that genocide really have good intentions! Yeah, sure, you’re not fucking brainwashed at all! And anyone who has a moral problem with genocide, well, they must be paid off by Russia or China or Iran, or hey, maybe it’s even Ireland or Portugal. Because every brainwashing narrative needs an enemy figure responsible for trying to propagandize you with the truth.
Gotta be something in between 87 and 89. I don’t know, that was the last stat I heard ~yesterday morning.
Anybody who actually knows what they’re talking about will tell you that interacting with this society is bullshit. Doesn’t take “divine knowledge”, just enough open-mindedness to figure out what the deal actually is, without getting caught up in anyone’s propaganda narrative.
Jesus did really nail it in that one quote, what was it exactly -
“Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You shut the door of the kingdom of heaven in people’s faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to.
Applies to every keyboard warrior jackass who’ll sit there mocking you for hours despite being 100% wrong about everything they say. The society is imprisoned in ignorance by the people who are ignorant, proud, and vocal. Creates the illusion of a social consensus against what’s actually the truth, for people who are just following social cues to figure out what’s going on, instead of doing real research.
Ban links to reddit please. Fucking cesspool. Ban the self-righteous know-it-all users too.
Same principle as fediverse. Decentralized society of active participants, not consumers. Everyone’s the master, or some are masters and many are slaves.
Anyone else notice how political participation has been reduced to a consumption activity and pulling a lever to the left or the right? It’s almost like there’s a great big spectacle, and we’re all just hypnotized by the spectacle, and it’s alienated us from our surroundings and reality into mere spectators and automatons neutered from having an effect on our material conditions. Somebody should write a book about that, named something like, “Society of the Spectacle”.
That doesn’t sound healthy.
“We wanted to win the election, but the prospect of continuing to be complicit in genocide was just too tempting”
Hardest pill to swallow: that includes “lesser of two evils”.
Do you think Israel should be destroyed?
You types always phrase it “destroyed”. What does that mean? Should the state dissolve? Yes. Should it be bombed with a nuke? No. Should there be equality in the region? Yes. Radical take I know.
Do you understand the difference between an imaginary social structure ending, and millions of people being killed? Like, if a company goes bankrupt and dissolves, does that mean all its employees are killed, in your mind? Or are we just mindlessly going with the racist imperial narrative of “if we don’t genocide them they’ll genocide us the first chance they get”?
do was simultaneously support Israel’s right to exist and defend itself, and do what he could to minimize damage to Gaza.
Here’s the actual thing. This was the PR line ran by the Biden administration as they violated domestic and international law to send billions of dollars in arms to a genocide. There is no legal “right to exist” under international law, for any state. There is a “right to self-defense” but that right doesn’t exist in the context of an illegal military occupation (the occupation of Palestine) - the “right” in that scenario is the right of the occupied people to resist. That’s not a hypothetical “right”, that’s an enshrined legal right under international law. The same way that if Canada or Russia or whoever invaded the U.S. and stationed troops for 57 years, we’d have a right to take up arms against them. The equivalent in that situation, for the “right” that you think exists, would be the “right” of the invading Canadians to mass murder American civilians based on the (unsubstantiated) rationale that militants are hiding underneath churches, hospitals, elementary schools, water treatment plants, etc. Also known as “no holds barred genocide”.
The Biden administration knows this. Biden knows it, Blinken knows it, Matt Miller knows it, Kamala Harris knows it, Vedant Patel knows it, Linda Thomas Greenfield knows it. This is a case of “they are incentivized to forget it”. Also known as “the lowest depths of human evil”. The fact that YOU haven’t noticed this is the entire problem - you, and the other Democrats, and the Republicans all. To us, you are hardly different - the Republicans just a little more stupid.
You can tell these people aren’t paying ANY attention. Still talking about “Trump is going to destroy Gaza”. Gaza is fucking destroyed. It’s a pile of smoldering concrete and asbestos rubble with the bones of women and children in splinters beneath it.
Of those of us that voted, whether Harris, Stein, De la Cruz, West, etc. - everyone we voted for lost. The candidate you voted for was also complicit in genocide, whereas ours wasn’t. We failed as a collective. If we could take every single one of those votes, and coordinate them towards one candidate, the best scenario would NOT be Harris, because she’s a fucking lying psychopath. That’s not even radical, this is civics 101 - you have a fascist movement you want to defeat, organize, find the best path, follow the best path, in unison. Not some middling ass piece of shit war criminal that the television told you was the top choice.
^ I remember this dude was on the last post like this too. I think that “they’ve been real quiet since the election” post in PoliticalMemes that got me banned from the sub.
The popularity of both of the imperial genocidal candidates is the result of centuries of conditioning and the collapse of the education system and free press. It’s a cyclical problem. We vote them in, they keep us stupid, we vote them in again.