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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • That was kind of the whole point of the discussion. Let me catch you up. Moar guns doesn’t solve the problem. Most people that are arguing against this are using some form of a defense fantasy to support their reasoning. They are imagining a threat and then justify their actions based on that imagined threat.

    Stop pretending the Nazi are coming to kill you. Stop being played by one side or the other. Start demanding your rights, speak out, and organize with like minded people.

    The conservatives have no actual momentum save a bunch of assholes who are ready to trample your rights. They will only get away with what we let them. The solution is to get active not buy guns and hide in your basement.

  • Moars guns will not solve our problem is my original statement.

    What to do? Regulate heavily and reject gun culture as a mental illness would be the best way to deal with it.

    Obviously gun corporations and gun nutters are going to reject this. The question then becomes are we going to let a minority hold our entire civilization hostage so they can make money and play with their toys?

    It is very common for a gun nutter to threaten death on people, especially people who talk about regulating guns. This threat of violence is terroristic in nature.

    Perhaps properly regulating is not an option due to the ridiculous amount of influence threatening to murder everyone is. This is basically where we are now with politicians to corrupt or scared to do anything.

    I have also presented the idea that technology could solve the problem. The Igun from Apple with facial in recognition and a host of safety features that prevent accidental discharge into your family members.

    I know gun nutters hate the idea of a smart gun, but this may be the way we actually start reducing our ridiculous amount of gun deaths.

    We could also start actually studying the issue. Our government has been cock blocking any research on gun safety for over twenty years now. It is now the number one killer of children, but there was a nothing to see here, riiight?

  • No, it is just you and your one Ghandi quote saying they were part of it. It is not a quote saying he would never had made it without their violence.

    You really should stop pretending you know shit about this. I studied it in college and I don’t feel like I could explain all the complexities of the groups interacting.

    It is clear there have been many peaceful movements. Which leads us back to the concept that we need moar guns to solve our problem.

    Did moar guns solve Ghandi’s problems? Did moar guns solve Martin Luther King’s problems? Don’t bother answering because these are rhetorical questions.

    Guns create problems, they don’t solve them.

  • Military action is how the Nazi military was defeated. Nazism was never defeated though. You must understand the US was very pro-Nazi before WWII. Wealthy private individuals from the US helped to find the Nazi party.

    Later on, after the Nazi rose to power these same US individuals lobbied the governments of Europe and the US not to take the Jews in. The Nazi party originally wanted to expel all the Jews. This lead to the final solution and the murder of millions.

    So it is more complex than guns kill Nazi. We were not the good guys in all this. I also think this has little to do with gun proliferation in the US and the lack of regulation causing untold suffering.