Get a 10 usd phone, like the old ones?
Get a 10 usd phone, like the old ones?
Good then that loads never change, growth never happens, users never drop off your platform, demand is always the same and everything related to users is never dynamic, but static as fuck
Oh the users win DEFINITELY notice when the second order effects of pulling out of current infraestructure without a plan just for dubious ideological reasons start to manifest
I mean if you only saw and read Reddit during the last election campaign, you’d be ABSOLUTELY sure at the first half of the campaign that Biden was going to win, might as well don’t have an election at that point
And then, after Kamala got into the campaign, again, if you only saw and read Reddit, you’d be, again, ABSOLUTELY sure that she would win, it wasn’t even a contest.
If reality were downvotes, upvotes or massive bans to users posting against the thread zeitgeist, yeah sure, that would be what happened.
Hard to accept reality after that harsh wakeup call
Even then, do they really think YouTube has not flagged and taken into account VPNs connections on their suggestions?
If a lot of people are using that VPN ip range, it’s basically the same as doing nothing
If the channel is popular, those videos will get recommend
Of it has engagement on top of that, you are fucked, it will definitely get recommend to you.
Either block the channel, the user, or use in incognito. Or don’t
Here on Lemmy, people who claim to advocate for freedom of speech and information, demanding for information shared on social networks to be controlled, shutdown and people to be censored based on unknown and ambiguous criteria, without even understanding the implications of it.
Details at six
It will get better with the massive bans
“go into debt if you have to”
That guy writes like minimum wage
Thank God they didn’t try to install open BSD
Oh yeah, by all means, stop using all Amazon related services, then realize that about 50% of web services for banking, agriculture, logistics, infrastructure, telecommunications, research and development, industry, transportation, healthcare and energy are hosted on AWS
“Oh but my service is hosted on GCP”
Yeah and what do you think is the fallback in case of DRP?
The president Donald Trump is the president with more women in their cabinet ever.
Dude is literally drowning in pussy
Make him
Thank God leftists are the anti fascists ones lol
The stun lock continues.
And so begins the stun lock. Genius move actually with adversaries so predictable
“vote for Biden”
“No, make me”
Yeah, this, THIS will work perfectly
So, the maga crowd was right all this time? Uncanny
It is easy.
Maybe not convenient, but it is easy as fuck. Just don’t use anything and build your own web infrastructure. Easy peasy