Up is down, black is white. I hate this country. Rather, I hate a lot of my fellow citizens.
I’m on the country-hate train. Shit’s garbage.
JustUs Department
We aren’t even close.
Virtually every last American in the middle class, what’s left of it, will need to have a very sharp decline in their quality of life before we stand up in solidarity and force change. So, when their “Dancing With The Stars” gets taken away or their morning cup of coffee is so extremely expensive they can’t afford it anymore. Basically, when they stop getting their fix.
We’re headed in that direction for sure, but we ain’t there yet.
Americans are pussies. We let creature comforts make us complacent well past the point that we should have done something.
I’m probably going to get downvoted into oblivion but it’s the white middle class that won’t do anything until they lose their conveniences. Asian, black, latino, Indian, and middle eastern know they aren’t wanted here and their thoughts and opinions are often left ignored or hardly represented in government. They’ve had the bare minimum for decades and times of political and economic strife hit them first and hardest.
White America rather vote for a con-man that tells them what they want to hear than even fathom the idea of an “undesirable” sharing the same luxuries they enjoy. I got mine fuck you
The system didn’t fail them, voters did.
If being convicted of 34 felony counts of fraud and civil liability for rape did nothing to persuade voters then there was nothing Jack Smith could have done to change their minds either.
This is the real nail in the coffin.
Take Trump and Republicans entirely out of the equation and you’re still left with a majority of braindead stupid Americans. That problem ain’t going away anytime soon.
Our populace simply isn’t intelligent enough to maintain a democracy.
We’re cooked.
This is the mental dead end I reach every time. It’s not even just “elections have consequences” or “voters are frustrated.” It’s that huge numbers of Americans are passionate supporters of this specific monster. Many of them have bad reasons, or are ignorant, or have been deceived, but the support that matters is there.
Things like the electoral college, FPTP, and gerrymandering are serious problems we need to fix. But fixing those will not fix the hearts and minds of the people. There is so much more that has to change.
It has had me seriously wondering if whatever hellish stuff Trump’s handlers have planned to dismantle the government is going to be the FASTER way to get to the part where we rebuild something better.
While voters do share some responsibility, they correctly mobilized and ripped this asshole out of office 5 years ago. The voters were failed by Merrick Garland, who clearly didn’t think treason or insurrection were that big of a deal.
Yeah, but that took an unprecedented situation (once in a century pandemic) and a million+ dead Americans. He absolutely would have won a second term if COVID didn’t happen.
American voters are pretty goddamn stupid and there’s really no way around that.
Let the Gleichschaltung begin.
https://www.annefrank.org/en/anne-frank/go-in-depth/germany-1933-democracy-dictatorship/Good luck USA. Don’t stop fighting.
Of course, it’s more than just losing their jobs. What employer would hire someone with a target on their back from the President of the United States?
Their entire careers are screwed.
Good. Cannot imagine less efficient workers than the people who sat on their ass for four years and allowed Trump to get back in charge.
Nothing of the sort happened. From Jack Smith’s report:
A significant challenge that the Office faced after Mr. Trump’s indictment was his ability and willingness to use his influence and following on social media to target witnesses, courts, and Department employees, which required the Office to engage in time-consuming litigation to protect witnesses from threats and harassment.
Volume I of that report is 174 pages of investigative findings, and we haven’t seen volume II yet.
The idea that they were just lazy is completely ignorant of how long even normal federal cases take, let alone going against a former President with a penchant for stirring up a mob in his favor.
Those people did their jobs. The rest of the system failed them.
Lets hope he manages to write page 500 before he gets fired. Quantity is irrelevant when it is used to delay justice instead of enforce it.
Nothing about that is delay. All of that is investigative findings.
If you want delay, look to Aileen Cannon and the Supreme Court. Jack Smith did his job.
Jack Smith ran away and hid rather than fight. These employees kept quietly writing reports instead of moving forward with critical action. Hell, I’d even take a whistleblower. Are we seeing any of that? Ofc not. They’re all cowards carefully hired by further cowards precisely to protect their status quo.
Source: i am a former federal employee whose rights were repeatedly violated and who was shitcanned when I made myself heard. Nobody is interested in pursuing my rights violations because nobody has jurisdiction over anyone else. Burn the whole system to the ground.
Do you have corroborating evidence and know others who share your same experiences?
The system is designed to fail them.
Pretty sure that was all Garland.
Sue him. Inundate him with lawsuits regardless of the fact he’s already gotten away with being a criminal so that the courts are forced to give attention to the numbers of wrongfully terminated gov’t employees
Huh, fired? For what cause?
Fascism is here. Causes aren’t required anymore.
“cause what are you going to do about it?” Apparently
Its US. You can be fired at any time. What do you think this is? Europe?
Literally, from the article:
It was also not immediately known how many of the fired prosecutors intended to challenge the terminations by arguing that the department had cast aside civil service protections afforded to federal employees
That tells me federal employees have different rules and they may have a path to make things uncomfortable for a while. Whether that’s worth the effort is up to them.
By private companies. Federal employees have a lot more protections.
I live in a at-will
right to workstate, so I understand that. But not every state is an at-willright to workstate, and surely the way federal employees are treated is legislated differently and not on a state level. Do federal employees have zero protections?Right to work means non-union employees can’t be forced to pay dues in a unionized workplace. It has nothing to do with at-will employment, which allows an employer to terminate an employee without cause at any time.
The only non-at-will state is Montana.
Right to work means they have the right to fire you for any reason. Sure you can also quit for any reason, but who really needed that?
Right to work means they have the right to fire you for any reason.
It literally and definitively does not, hence my prior post.
No, that’s “at will” employment. “Right to work” is a completely different thing related to non union members paying into the union.
On paper or in practice?
Because seems like whatever president says goes.
Fair question. On paper. On paper is what actually matters, long term… So long as the checks in balances in place aren’t all totally neutralized.
Attempted justice.
Oh don’t worry about that -they’re reclassifying then as at-will first. Which is the crookedest hiring policy ever. We have it here in Illinois and it’s total bullshit.
The BS reason they gave is in the article. We all know the real reason is that they aren’t loyal to Dear Leader.
A criminal is the head of the governing body that makes the laws. Why even bother asking why he’s not following them?
The only thing that Americans can do is obvious and yet all I’ve seen online is finger wagging and “hot takes”. Fucking embarassed for you.
All the 2A nutjobs who have been waiting their entire lives for this turned into fucking crickets.
Americans can vote, and a majority of them voted for this a short few months ago. This is exactly what he said he would do. This is what he did the previous 4 years he was in power. Americans want this. They don’t even have the excuse of popular vote this time around. They fully committed to this.
As an American I can confirm that Americans are fucking stupid.
Hope you’re comfortable with us having the most powerful military to ever exist. I’m certainly not.
49% of voters, about a 3rd of eligible voters
49.8% (so rounding it would be 50%) and 3 million people more than in 2020. And a whole a while 14 million more than in 2016. Eligible voters who didn’t vote made an explicit choice and are equally complicit.
They had a choice of a dumbass and literal criminal and a prosecutor and they made their choice.
thinking that voting is the only necessary political action is how you all boiled the frog
I’m not fighting in a violent revolution against an insane retarded fascist controlling the most powerful military on earth because some people explicitly chose to not prevent the fascist from taking office out of their sense of virtue pearl clutching.
I’m not fighting in a fucking violent revolution against an insane retarded fascist controlling the most powerful military on earth because some people explicitly chose to not prevent the fascist from taking office out of their desire to pressure me to fight in a fucking revolution (left accelerationists), I hope they have fun getting shot/tortured by fascists.
I owe both of these groups nothing. I did not choose to be born and I did not choose their revolution, I’m out. I hope they’re happy with the shitty world they’ve enabled.
Violent revolution isn’t option 2 but it might very well be necessary, and I don’t blame you for wanting no part of it but we’ll all be thankful if it happens. People have had to make tough choices in the face of fascism and evil throughout history and it’s only thanks to them that those things have been rebuffed in the past.
If we protest we lose our jobs which means we lose our healthcare. Are you beginning to see how they have us by the balls?
Wouldn’t that even more of a reason to protest? It’s almost a meme at this point, but the US is the only developed country without universal healhcare. But people keep voting for the party that countless times has threatened to cut even Medicare.
And if a random dude in Germany knows this, every voter in Bumfuck, Nebrahoma should, too, but here we are.
I mean, the democrats haven’t given us healthcare either, despite having had the opportunity more than once. Best they’ve done is make a nationwide marketplace and told us we have to buy healthcare from one insurance corporation or another, or we get fined in the form of additional taxes for not contributing to billionaires.
I mean, the democrats haven’t given us healthcare either
They gave me affordable healthcare when I was younger (Obamacare). It isn’t always about getting exactly what you want, because you never will in politics. It’s about scraping and clawing and fighting to get anything, at all. And in my lifetime I’ve gotten WAY more out of Democrats than Republicans. Respect where respect is due. It took a monumental effort for Obama to get that shit done.
Baby steps to universal healthcare.
But we just lost dozens of baby steps by electing Republicans. Good job voters.
They didn’t have the votes to pass anything better, and even this the Republicans tried to undo.
Now without McCain (or some similar with some convictions), you can kiss Obamacare goodbye. And I’m 90% sure they will repeal it without a replacement.
And I’m 90% sure they will repeal it without a replacement.
Oh absolutely. Look what happened when McCain shot down the last effort. They didn’t go back to the drawing board and re-work it and try again. They just gave the fuck up. After spending years saying they could do better than Democrats.
Don’t worry, neither party gives a shit about healthcare. It doesn’t matter who we vote for.
neither party gives a shit about healthcare
Were you born in the last decade or do you not remember Democrats moving mountains just to get Obamacare passed? Which gave me affordable healthcare when I had none.
I worked in health insurance when that happened.
The insurance companies were ecstatic about Obamacare. A big ole fat blank check from the American public, backed by the US government. They had to cover more but the feeling was, and it ended up being true, that they’d claw back their exclusions in court.
Obamacare was a health insurance scheme in a healthcare costume. Maybe at inception it was about healthcare, but after the Democrats spent months trying to negotiate with Republicans and giving them pointless compromise after compromise, and the Republicans still refused to support it, they passed health insurance reform, mandated everyone buy it, and paved the way for the fastest increases in health insurance costs in history.
Bernie Sanders thinks otherwise. But people seem to prefer Clinton and Biden.
Almost half of Americans live paycheck-to-paycheck. One day of missed work means that their kids could starve.
It’s just not that simple. Believe me, we all wish it was.
It could be as simple as voting for the right person (Bernie Sanders in the past, maybe AOC in the future), but the fact is most Americans believe what billionaire TV told them and don’t want Universal Healthcare.
I think you’re underselling the effects of fifty years of deliberate, targeted propaganda a bit. This isn’t the result of measured thought, this is what happens when you allow a right-wing media apparatus to operate unchallenged for generations. (Not alone, other factors like our national narrative of self-reliance and an erosion of resources and respect for public education are significant. As well as racism since we never properly dealt with the losers of the Civil War)
Good luck on voting for anyone that isn’t a token in future elections.
And our homes, meaning our family members also become homeless
There’s a reason every American was raised on the mantra of “violence is never the answer” and “if you fight back you’re just as bad.”
Peaceful protest against tyrannical governments only work if they’re seen as an opening offer backed by the potential for non-peaceful escalation.
Too bad one party decided that guns were bad and spent the last 50 years disarming itself.
First of all, “one party” simply asked for regulation instead of bending over for the NRA without it even reaching around to return the courtesy. Second, there is a reason why lone gunmen shoot up schools and not military bases.
The NRA, which has been proven to be fu ded by Russia.
This is such a crazy assertion. I know plenty of democrats who own guns. They just generally don’t make it their personality.
It also ignores the massive arms difference between a government of today and its citizens vs when the constitution was written.
Lots of change has happened in the US as the result of protests that go violent, but none have ever succeeded using guns.
The point of the second amendment isn’t to go toe-to-toe with the military and never has been. It’s to make every citizen a potential threat to those in power, and to allow for guerilla warfare.
A pistol can’t beat a tank, but it can kill a politician or general if it’s weilded by the right random person at the right time and location.
True. The original point was for ordinary citizens to return escaped slaves at gunpoint.
What are you gonna do when the government comes after you with your scrawny ass weapon? It’ll work against a neighbor, sure, but the military can see through your walls using wifi alone. There’s a literal helicopter above your house tracking your every move. They know more about you than you realize. This is the strongest army in the world we’re talking about.
And, even if violence sounds tempting, there are so many things to do before any of that, like resist and organize. You can definitely fight back in man other ways besides a picket sign and a gun. I’m not sure why those are the only two options.
You don’t get in a tank fight with a pistol. Pick your battles.
United Healthcare just lost 80 billion in value when some rando took out its CEO.
What are you gonna do when the government comes after you with your scrawny ass weapon?
The same thing al quaeda did in Afghanistan I presume
No way that would work here. We have like, grass and stuff. The sand helps to… slow them down or something…
It’s not that funny but I’m poking at the anti 2A people who always ask what you plan to do with your rifle against an apache helicopter. There’s good examples to point to as you noted, but I’m more interested in the obvious counter point, which is what are you going to do to that apache without a gun? I never hear an answer to that one. Obviously nobody on the ground is going to be having a good time in that situation but at the end of the day I’d rather be taking shots at it than throwing rocks or just lying face down and hoping they miss me.
efore any of that, like resist and organize. You can definitely fight back in
resisting and organizing are necessary steps.
Do you really think they’ll be effective against the man that will happily mow down the people resisting?
When one side is ready to use violence and the other side is not, the other side always loses.
We’re still monkeys with sticks over here.
Is he mowing people down? He’s purging and people are resisting, as they should. And despite that the only threat has been towards us foreigners. You have more to worry about your fellow bleeding heart patriots. Arm yourselves against those first if you must.
Let’s let this post sit here and we’ll see who rusts first
Alright, fine by me.
If only there was an amendment for that very situation…
“The horse has fired the horse catcher.”
“I didn’t know he could do that.”
Remember when they admonished Biden’s administration for not firing anyone after the Afghanistan evacuation? Yeah that’s all Republicans want, to fire people. Well actually they might go after these guys.
They want to purge all dissenters. They only want people in power who are loyal to the cause. Stop me if you’ve heard this one.
This is just the start. He’s going to purge every competent person who believes in the national mythology / shows an ounce of backbone and replace them with incompetent yes men. These people tend to be very intelligent, resourceful, and well-connected. I don’t think this will be the last we see of them. Something tells me that giving a whole lot of people who plotted the overthrows of multiple foreign governments lots of time off together maybe isn’t his most brilliant idea yet.
Straight from the Project 2025 manual. It’s crazy that I tried to get people to read it before the election and I got called a conspiracy theorist, but here he is actually executing the plan and these same people just deny it’s happening. I can’t help but think they prefer to be ignorant.
Welcome to 1930s Germany.
A bunch of ignorant, uneducated people experiencing economic hardship that vote in a proto-authoritarian out of desperation because their minds were warped by propaganda and hatred.
Expect things to get much worse.
Unfortunately it’s always a conspiracy theory until it’s put into action. But by then it’s too late…
It’s exactly like the Nazi problem. To most people they aren’t officially Nazis until we’re literally being shipped into death camps. Anything that happens before that is just “awkward waves” and “political disagreements.”
I guarantee that they STILL won’t be Nazis to those people even then. There is ALWAYS an excuse.
Yep, had republicans I know believe Trump when he said he knew nothing about P2025, now here they are following it to the letter.
Its infuriating because his “Agenda 47” was basically project 2025 with less words.
Fired on what grounds? Can a suit, perhaps many, be filed for wrongful termination?
Ordinarily you’d need ground for dismissal, yes. But one of the first things Trump did was follow the plan for Project 2025 which included, amongst other things, reclassifying a fuck ton of government jobs as political jobs, enabling Trump to hire and fire people for political reasons.
There is a process for suing the federal government for wrongful termination, but idk how it would work when you’re dealing with the actual Justice Department
The Justice Department can be sued. You don’t need them on your side in order to file a lawsuit. How far the Supreme Court will go to rubber stamp it is an open question. And by the time it gets resolved one way or another it’ll be way past the firing.
In almost everywhere in the US, you can fire anyone, at any time, for any reason, or for no reason at all, as long as it’s not because of membership in a protected class (age, sex, gender, national origin, etc.). (Or, obviously, if there’s union or other rules around it.)
Government jobs are like the one place where that isn’t true.
Not anymore :(
Yeah… :-(
It’s gonna be a long four years.
Lol aww bless your heart thinking it’s over in 4 years.
Hah… four. I see you’re an optimist.