Oh, so in addition to a fake engineer and a fake gamer, he’s also a fake Linux user. The only thing this loser is genuine at is being a Nazi.
I prefer the term “Phony Stark”.
So he found the virus on his own mind?
Exactly. And then he removed it and went looking for it’s origins. Don’t overthink his bullshit, it’s pretty plain.
it’s in reverse order, the top tweet is quoting the bottom, earlier, one.
rm: cannot remove ‘stupid’: Device or resource busy
If you use rm -rf in a dead joke, pls at least don’t make syntax errors!
It is rm -rf *nazi*
Nazi delete rm -rf
This would mean that nazi deletes the rm -rf tool…
This man should
shred -u
himselfsudo kill -9 1
Egregiously fucking stupid even for this utter clowndick.
seems like i cant escape elon musk on my feed…
It’s super obnoxious, but here’s hoping it’ll fade away in a couple days.
Until he needs his next media attention fix.
Which he needs all the time and people are giving it to him. I’m so fucking done with seeing his face several times a day, maybe I should be touching grass instead
Yeah, I still can’t escape after I’ve blocked his name in my client.
I’m not very good at bash at all. I was hoping someone would explain what he’s trying to say to me.
I feel that “found at” wouldn’t be a terminal printout followed by the home reference, but he’s saying the woke mond virus is on the device?
Is he saying it’s a program that “deleted” the ability to “rm -rf”? Why would removing files (recursively and forced) be something it would do? Why would the options -rf be there? Wouldn’t it be enough to delete the rm binary?
Traceroute woke mind virus, is woke mind virus an IP address or something? I thought it was a program based on the above lines. He’s expecting to find the route to the woke mind virus IP address with this command?
What is Elon saying?
“How do you do, fellow Linux users?”
Traceroute traces packets by IP address so he’s “finding” the IP of the virus and then deleting that location which makes no sense because you can’t really delete an IP address.
AND he’s trying to delete localhost which is… extra dumb.
I mean if he could delete his wormy brain id be a-ok with that.
Looks like he ran a trace route for a little over 3 years and it found that the ‘woke mind virus’ was coming from inside the host! He then deleted the file/DNS…? Last part is unclear given the context.
Ah thank you, seems like he knows as much bash as me!
And that’s at least twice as much as ol’ Peon Mush over there!
He’s saying he found the virus in himself and overcame it. It’s a call for introspection. Then he’s trying to trace it back to it’s origins.
“I woke up and fixed myself! Now, where did these dastardly ideas come from?”
Probably thought it was profound on a drug trip of some sort. “Hey man! What if we could get all the nerds on our side? I’ll show them I’m cool too!”
Y’all are way over analyzing this shit.
I think you’re overthinking it, also the tweets are in the wrong order chronologically in your story. The smaller tweet happened first
Fine. He found it in himself and deleted it. My comment still stands.
Dammit, I should’ve made a “no politics” rule…
Babys first CLI
How much you wanna bet he was making beep-boop noises while typing this?
Guaranteed he ripped this joke from someone on his staff
Hang on. Is Musk the YouTube user NextGenHacker101?
He is a pathetic excuse for a person.