The interval between the onset of symptoms and death has been 48 hours in the majority of cases, and “that’s what’s really worrying,” Serge Ngalebato, medical director of Bikoro Hospital, a regional monitoring center, told The Associated Press.
The latest disease outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo began on Jan. 21, and 419 cases have been recorded including 53 deaths.
According to the WHO’s Africa office, the first outbreak in the town of Boloko began after three children ate a bat and died within 48 hours following hemorrhagic fever symptoms.
ate a bat and died within 48 hours following hemorrhagic fever symptoms
Are we seeing another Ebola outbreak? Or is this a different viral hemorrhagic fever?
We should really stop eating bats.
spoken like someone trying to keep all the good bats for themselves
I’ll take all your
deliciousbat meat and dispose of it safely for you
All samples were negative for common hemorrhagic fever diseases, although some tested positive for malaria.
Looks like at minimum, it’s a strain of Ebola that’s different enough not to register on a test.
They had a previous outbreak in December that was diagnosed as malaria. This outbreak is not that one but malaria has not been confirmed as the culprit.
In any case, please don’t go to Congo to bring whatever it is to the rest of the world. Let WHO experts figure it out…if only a retard president had not pulled funding for that vital global health organization.
I haven’t seen the r-slur used since the mid 2000s, and now suddenly it’s everywhere in the past 2-3 weeks. Why are we back-pedaling on even the most basic decencies?
Literally society regressing in front of our eyes.
When fash take over the hard words come back. Also id say the prez is more retarded than someone with down syndrome so really he owns the word now kinda like how all nazis are boot licking fa*****ts(fascists lol)
We can insult Trump without restoring to ableist slurs.
Genuine question, would calling him an idiot, or some other euphemism, be better? It all boils down to “ableist” if you consider it deeply. How do you insult an individual without insulting people like them?
In general, value statements are meaningless except as an emotional expression and are a sign of an inability to be articulate and specific in what an issue is. It’s kinda why ad hominems are considered fallacies. Trump is a giant piece of shit though and that’s fine to say
Oh god, this is why people stop being loyal to your side.
LOL, that you think loyalists are better than educated people who can tolerate hearing philosophies they don’t agree with and then being able to CONSENT once they understand, or dissent if they don’t agree
You think education is angering because it’s hard for you to learn
And you think mindless agreement in a cult setting is my DESIRED outcome for working with others
Even toddlers understand to not use that word or slurs, and can learn to not do so. Toddlers make an effort because they care about fairness. Go watch some Mr Rogers and see if you can’t be as progressive as a toddler in the 70s.
Fascists, man
You’re clearly too far gone.
I mean, yes? Are there jackasses, douchebags, and shitbirds out there I should be worried about offending?
We should be allowed to insult people for their lack of intelligence.
Stupid people should not feel as though they have the same voice as everyone else.
Unfortunately, their voice is louder.
Speak for yourself. I’ll slur all his disabilities any chance I get.
I am thinking a Congo vacation might be the cheapest thing I can do to save America. Go straight fro the Congo to a Republican fundraiser.
I can think of cheaper!
It was a sick ostrich
Was gonna say unexpected letterkenny but then I saw you come from so…
The year is 2024.
Trump is elected president.
Somewhere in the world, a butterfly flaps to the left instead of the right.
A bat follows it.
RFK eats said bat.
Chicken of the cave!
Then he injects the butterfly
I see you read that article toi
RFK puts a second bat into a blender, then feeds bat soup to…
Brain worm
ITT: People that think only bats get human-transmissible diseases.
I’m just one person wondering by it seems like bats are involved so often in stories like this.
Because of the physiological and energetic demands of flight, bats are tolerant of a wide range of viruses.
Exactly, it can go bat -> livestock/pet -> human just as well.
The earth will be ok. One day we’ll be gone and she’ll be just fine.
Its too bad I don’t care about the rock we’re floating around in space on and mostly care about me and my loved ones.
This is a dumb framing. People want to stop climate change to protect themselves and their loved ones from having to live in an inhospitable hellscape and doom humanity to extinction, not because of an emotional connection to the actual planet.
To me it’s ridiculous that we have no reverence for our actual, objective God: the living Earth.
All the fairy tale imaginary sky daddies people kill other people over while actively desecrating our factual creator with abandon.
We’re so weird. We have a creator. The natural world. And we’ve been in a hot war with that only actual God of humans for about a quarter millenia, lol.
We’ll lose handily. And life will go on.
There are definitely religious and spiritual systems that revere nature, like paganism. It’s the only thing that really makes sense to me.
That’s a generalisation.
Plenty of people have reverence for the natural world.
Certainly not plenty, given what’s happening.
And I don’t mean empty rhetorical reverence.
Reverence would mean having a zero to positive net environmental impact. Like the Native Americans. They weren’t perfect or necessarily peaceful between one another, but they practiced reverence towards the natural world.
Those with practiced reverence towards the natural world don’t fare well amongst our species. We take humble coexistence with the Earth as weakness like clockwork. We jail them for ecoterrorism and genocide their cultures because they get in the way of economic and population metastasis, sadly because we consider our God to be subject to us and not the other way around as we’re going to learn in the coming decades by our own actions and hubris.
I mean “learn” loosely. Sadly many wouldn’t admit to themselves we were wrong or abandon currency as their god even if a CAT 6 just hurled a bus at their head.
That’s subjective as it depends on your definition of reverence and of plenty.
That said, it’s a very good point you raised initially and I wholeheartedly agree that it’s a bit weird.
I agree that the natural world is, for all intents and purposes, analogous to a god.
I also agree that everyone, particularly the most pious of us, seem determined to disregard this god.
Religion is the wrong word, but I do wish that there was more focus on building appreciation for the natural world.
I’m reminded of the “solar punk” movement. There’s an instance which collates some of these ideas.
Oh you didn’t need to tell us you care more about your stuff then anyone else’s, bud.
Fine, and the the innocent people on it. Jesus fucking Christ.
My point was that Earth itself is just an object with things living on it.
I might be aggressively fucking angry at like 90% of the voting eligible populace in America but there are a ton of other people that don’t fit into that category that don’t hold my ire.
None of us are innocent.
Shit, have I run into someone more misanthropic than I am right now? Neat.
People say save the earth, save the earth. The earth is fine. The people are fucked. We’re going away, folks.
I’m pretty sure when people say that they mean “save the [current state of the] earth [so we can continue living on it together]”.
They were quoting George Carlin.
Frankly, she’ll be better off.
If you want to stay up for a few nights, read The Hot Zone, which is about Ebola. Those bats are gonna kill us all someday, and there are so many of them!,1000_QL80_.jpg
This one will keep you up at night, it was SO fucking interesting. It’s basically a story about a crime fighter who goes in and solves really complex crimes…but all the crimes are weird diseases, like strange brain swelling diseases that are gonna kill a ton of people in the US, and the detective has to figure it out before a bunch of people die.
We have the technology to solve insane cases, but we are completely hamstrung by mentally deficient politicians like our current idiot and his party. And how we still prevailed despite their obstructions.
The image link is to the cover of The Premonition by Michael Lewis.
It’s not the bat’s fault really. If us humans would stop encroaching further into their territory and stopped warming the planet to the point of no return, we might not be having such extreme issues with zoonotic viruses we’ve never encountered before trying to kill us.
This has nothing to do with climate change that generic area of the world has always beet stock-full of nasty diseases. Even considered by African standards of unlucky geography the Kongo basin is triply fucked.
Don’t even need that much; just stop eating them.
It’s the Congo.
King Leopold was one of history’s greatest monsters. Rubber tree plantations - they’d chop a hand off or worse if you didn’t make quota. (The Heart of Darkness, later retold as Apocalypse Now, later retold as Spec Ops: the Line.)
The region has been ravaged for the past two centuries. Remember Kony 2012? Those starving children could have been soldiers.
Easy to say to starving children. (Which is what happened in op’s article)
Too bad there’s no one who could solve world hunger for 6 billon dollars…
If people aren’t living in the bat’s territory they wouldn’t be eating them either.
Tbf, even if we gathered all people in one giant city to stop encroaching, bugs would follow us due to our food storage/waste and blood, and bats would follow the yummy bugs and make homes in the structures we make, which like for pigeons are often good for bats too. Bats, rats, and some birds you’ll never be able to really escape by avoiding nature because they follow us or something else that does.
I was tripping on shrooms on day, looking at the grass and noticed an ant scurring around then another and little, tiny beetle looking bugs. Then i looked out across a field and saw gnats,bees ,wasps , flys, 20 or 30 birds in the distance , a couple squirrels and thought about the worms under my feet and realized this is their world we just live in it. We are outnumbered a million to one and they don’t need us at all
For your next psychedelic trip, think about your gut microbiome.
And no matter how hard some try, they’ll never escape it all.
I prefer to live as close to it as possible instead, and as in harmony with it as possible. I do like electricity and running water though lol, but I’d rather be amongst nature than my “fellow” man any day.
Unknown… Ate bat. The entire gebuz loving world said they wouldn’t eat bats anymore, but some kid somewhere in Congo found them tasty again. WTF! Bats look ugly for a good reason. They carry diseases! Stop eating bats! Eat chicken instead! Please eat chicken!
Seriously! Just ask your dad to run to Whole Foods, dummy!
That sounds like something a bat would say.
I’m not iii iii a bat! Are you some kind of penguin?
Shouldn’t be eating penguins either. But for different reasons.
Alfred! To the batmobile!
When this civilization falls and the next one is beginning there’s going to be a religious ban on eating bats.
The Bible already addresses this:
If it flaps, you slaps. Amen.
Confused, currently fapping my slap.
Unless there’s a longer dormant period where this is contagious, but shows no symptoms, this disease kills too quickly to become a world pandemic.
It also depends on its mortality rate. The, article says 50 died but over 900 infected.
Still incredibly high, but initially it seemed like it was much higher. If enough asymptomatic, or non deadly people catch it and pass it on, it’s still pandemicable, just less effective.
That’s true with a higher mortality rate.
It has killed around 10 percent of victims, so it can be spread by the rest.
That’s looking on the bright side of things I guess
Not with that attitude
Anyone that’s played plague Inc knows how this goes. It’s not a winning strategy.
I learned how to be in a relationship from visual novels.
Yeah but one of these days a virus is going to get smart and start up in New Zealand and Madagascar. Chuck in a long asymptomatic and game over.
Come to think of it, why haven’t viruses done this yet? What are they, stupid?
What I never got about this game is that when the virus mutates, ALL copies of that virus mutate in the exact same way. Couldn’t they make a realistic version?
A realistic version would be pretty boring. That’s basically the same as just working for the CDC.
Under this administration, working for the CDC is probably not as boring as it usually is.
Hello! I’m from New Zealand. Why is the scenario of a virus starting here a bad thing?
I propose the Republican’s private islands wherever they are.
It’s a Plague Inc. joke. In this game, you’re the virus/bacteria, or whatever other disease. You guide the virus’s evolution with the aim to destroy humanity.
The virus slowly spreads across the earth through planes, boats, etc.
There are a few really isolated spots, including New Zealand, that are hard to get to and they often seal their borders very quickly. When that happens you lose.
So the smart first step is to start the virus in one of the hard to reach places.
Originally Pandemic 2… i miss flash games lol
we could all just move to greenland and close the ports
Oh shit bro delete this. We don’t need to be giving Trump any ideas.
It’s a bit of a toss up for me between staying in virus plagued USA or locating to Trump’s new monarchy in Greenland.
Asymptomatic until ready then the whole tree in one minute
“Why do we send all these people food”
So they don’t have to eat fucking bats with covid-9000
“Why do we send all these people food”
Because we have excess and they don’t.
That’s going to be a one year or one generation solution to the problem. Then the situation is even worse.
It’s exactly nine thousand!
HAL was a virus the whole time
Sweet name for a Nu Metal band
It’s hard to explain international politics. This was a great example of doing it right.
Fuck! Dudes! I strictly repeated several times to not eat bats so we could prevent another covid! WTF was wrong with these people? Bat= not food!!! Other not foods include but not limited to Stork, venomous things, pets, people, clouds, poop, teeth, big cats, other cats, armadillos, rinos, elephants and other nature show animals. Food animals… Chicken, tilapia, cow, pig.
Now the next and most important thing to do is: 1) don’t go to Congo to see or touch or be near the dead. 2) don’t come back from Congo if you saw, touched or were near the dead. Easy peasy.
Obviously this was a mutant rabies virus. Let’s call it RabiesUltra25…RU25 for short. Thanks for reading! Look out! Behind you! Gotcha!
“Drugs are bad, m’kay?”
We ordered the one that infects “red hat”, not “fed bat”. Blame a bad connection, but we’re not paying for this Congo Labs. Try again.
Fuck yes! A deadly pandemic without long drawn out suffering? Sign me up!
I’d rather have a few months of major discomfort than the two days of hard-core body horror that they just went through.
Yeah those 48 hours don’t look too fun either though.
Feel awful for those affected.
Sadly, that makes this unlikely to go pandemic. If it kills too fast it can’t spread.
We’ll have to live a little while longer… 😒
Until some poor sap examining the body gets a tear in his PPE and he gets the mutated version that turns him into a zombie
gets a tear in his PPE
I winced. Is it confirmed it can be transmitted sexually?
I’m not sure if this is satire or not lol.
If not:
If so, haha pp funny
Yeah, just a dumb PP joke, sorry.
This guy has definitely played ‘Pandemic’ the flash game
Specifically the flash version?
I guess not lol, but I did think it started as a flash game.
I believe you’re correct, though I haven’t played any version of it so I’m not an authority.
This was just meant to be a gentle ribbing, no worries about your actual level of accuracy.
God damn it