I’m doing my part by flooding Lemmy with opossum and bat pics. Maybe an occasional raccoon if the mood is right.
He is a cutie!
I’m a therapist, and bipolar is one of my specialties. Had quite a few type I clients, not a single one called themselves a Nazi.
I get your point, I really do, but I think the dude just might be a Nazi regardless of whether he has bipolar.
I am not sure about the colored patches, but I totally agree that girls will be fawning.
That just makes them even more awesome in my book.
I’m doing my part!
“I have also begun to (breathe) heavily after eating an entire cake by myself. Maybe not Costco but it definitely has happened more than once. I get it gurl. I get it,”
I’m dying. This is the best thing ever.
Husband and I went to a candlelight concert with aerial performances on silks and hoops and whatnot. It was great!
Sadly, I don’t. A friend sent me this in a text, and he also doesn’t know where to buy it.
Here is their response:
“All of the bats do have microchips that we can scan if we need to be 100% certain who we are with (like for a medical emergency, for example). However, some of the bats don’t love the chip reader, so it’s less stressful and quicker if we learn physical identification for everyday tasks. Most members of the animal care team started by keeping a list of every bat at Lubee and writing down identifiers that they could find or that previous animal care team members could point out to them. Eventually, the more seasoned team members can identify most of the bats by their face alone!”
I don’t know the answer to this question, but I can ask on their Instagram. My guess is probably both. They do tend to have distinct features, but I am sure there are some that are hard to tell apart.
The fruity flavor is like a side of the finest jelly beans.
Thank you so much! How was Nosferatu? I’m wanting to watch it soon.
Thanks! Does this kind of pipe have a name?
Yay, spread the banana face!