If you’re bipolar II, then you’ve never had a manic episode. People in a severe manic episode (bipolar I) very commonly experience psychosis and go down conspiratorial rabbit holes around politics, race, religion, etc. that they 100% would not have otherwise gone down
If you’re bipolar II, then you’ve never had a manic episode. People in a severe manic episode (bipolar I) very commonly experience psychosis and go down conspiratorial rabbit holes around politics, race, religion, etc. that they 100% would not have otherwise gone down
I’m a therapist, and bipolar is one of my specialties. Had quite a few type I clients, not a single one called themselves a Nazi.
I get your point, I really do, but I think the dude just might be a Nazi regardless of whether he has bipolar.
He might be an actual Nazi and the bipolarity it’s causing a concealing malfunction.
It’s really gross people use my disabilities to explain someone is a Nazi.
I think he’s a Nazi because he follows their ideas and says he is. Not because he’s bipolar. Like every other political idology.