There’s a parallel universe in which the fundamental laws of physics are different: the weight of an electron, the gravitational constant, how many fundamental particles there are, the cosmological constant, …
haha yes, statistics is neat :)
Also, what would you do with infinite time?
Yes also this diagram:
Gives you a clear sense of how quickly things are turning.
In a geological sense, all of humanity isn’t even a heartbeat.
However if you come with an attitude to learn
Translation: if you are willing to swallow the opinion most people have here …
… or clone the software and host it yourself.
Yes, I agree. Most people in the US are definitely not Marxist-Leninist, yet that’s a vibe i get here frequently.
A more mainstream instance for normal people would be nice. Maybe there should be a non-profit organization behind it to back it up, pay the server bills, and such.
In the end, the country isn’t a democracy. It’s a complicated system with complicated interactions.
It’s really not impossible that a democracy turns into fascism.
… which is absolutely understandable considering how lemmy is most of the time,
it’s politics non-stop, one bad news after another, everyone is quick to bash somebody as either a nazi or a tankie or something else.
I’m studying Physics at the moment and Prof. gave us a printout of a textbook last week stating that the internal of the sun generates approximately 150 W / m³ on average. That’s about as much as a compost pile, so, not very much. The sun only generates enormous amounts of power because it’s so huge. In other words, reproducing fusion on Earth might actually not be very efficient.
and anuses are vaginas, as long as you treat them as one.
why, it can’t be that hard to produce ridiculous gibberish in any language.
And we will make America great again. I tell you, great. Great as it has never been before. We will make the Mexicans pay for it. And we will make the Panama Canal american again. American. Yes. Like it was when our constitution was founded. Great. Great Constitution. Great, I tell you. Have a nice day.
don’t forget the source code!