America hasn’t had to deal with the recieving end of Imperialism for almost 250 years. (its been on the giving end of it for the last century) America is in no position, not Trump, not Elon, not Biden, not the dude that just wants to grill. None of them are in a position to tell someone not to fight for freedom, when there is an actual threat of losing ones freedom and sovereignty. Most western countries have long forgotten what the struggle is all about because they’ve had their freedom for centuries.
Ukraine’s fight has been going on for centuries, but 2022-Present has been the defining moment of that fight.
If you aren’t going to help, shut the fuck up, and fuck off and let the rest of us handle it. Ukraine isn’t going to stop fighting for its existence just because Part of America is tired and upset about superficial things like egg prices. If America isn’t going to carry the torch of Liberty, there are plenty of others willing to take it from here.
OK. good. good.