Disclaimer: I haven’t eaten raw chicken. Not looking for Reddit quips telling me to go to an emergency room.
Was just wondering if salmonella is pretty much guaranteed when eating raw chicken or if it’s something like 50/50 and an easy preventative measure like throwing out expired/damaged cans of food or washing fruits and vegetables before you eat them. I feel like I’ve seen a lot of people in TV shows and movies eating raw eggs.
There’s a guy in Florida who eats a lot of raw chicken (and washes it down with raw eggs apparently) and he does just fine. You can Google “guy who ate raw chicken for 100 days” and a bunch of stories come up about him. His name is John.
It’s made me feel better about being less like a crazy person in my kitchen following my husband around critiquing how he’s cross contaminating every surface in my life. I don’t think he’s careful enough. I stopped freaking out about it and we haven’t gotten sick so it turns out he is careful enough, and I just have anxiety.
If you’re worried about salmonella and non-dry chicken:
Basically if you keep the temp at 144°F for 10 minutes it’s safe to eat.
Also, they die after 4 hours on kitchen surfaces!
I love to learn the 4 hours thing! He’s definitely cooks chicken fine, it’s that I am always nervous that he puts the packaging on the counter and what if he touches that and then the cabinet handle to get the pan, and what if he moves another pot out of the way, I just feel like I wash my hands and the counters after every step and he doesn’t
You tell me - my wife got this scented super high quality soap for the kitchen. It’s okay for her but since I wash my hands way too often I switched to re-lipidizing doctor‘s soap for frequent handwashing due to rough skin between my fingers
Salmon? No, this is chicken. It’s pretty fowl smelling though. Probably from sitting at room tempature. Probably is contaminated with salmonella.
Reddit answer.
Why not just stop eating dead animals? ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Most of the risk comes from the processing and handling of the meat. If the chicken isn’t perfectly healthy, and the butcher isn’t very careful about keeping the intestinal tract from spreading, bacteria from the intestinal tract could spread to the meat.
This is the same reason that you need to cook ground beef to a much higher temperature than you need to cook a steak, more surface area, more points of possible contamination.
Is it possible to process and eat raw chicken safely? The Japanese certainly think so, it’s a dish that’s available widely in Japan.
It’s up to you, and your risk tolerances. But if you’re going to do it, you have to make sure you source the meat cleanly, it’s processed very cleanly, it’s stored very cleanly. It’s a high bar
We went to Japan and on the advice of the locals, tried the raw chicken dish. Everyone got crippling explosive diarrhea. They’re more confident about it than they probably should be.
Might just be used to it, and you weren’t. Your tolerance can get pretty high if you’ve been eating it your whole life.
I tried it in Osaka and had no issues. Tbh it’s nothing to write home about, it doesn’t really taste like anything. I feel like it’s one of those foods that’s more about the prestige associated with it than the taste. As mentioned above, it has to be a very high standard of product to be safe to eat, so it’s kind of showing off how high quality your meat is, rather than actually being delicious.