Wait, does that mean that Doom 2016 is based on true events, then? Because the H E A V Y M E T A L always plays when a portal opens up with loads of demons!
Ohhhh, so that’s where that goat-bro pops in from!
I can’t understand him much but it’s nice to have a friend over once in a while.
This is why I hate religion. It turned this person’s brain to mush. If you are willing to believe a man walked on water why would it be hard to believe the bullshit Trump spews out?
Religion removes your critical thinking skills making you a prime target for con artists.
Religious nutjobs gonna religious nutjob
I personally love that he believes the mere act of watching a horror movie or listening to a loud sound can open a demonic fear portal yet his fear of fear portals does not.
My dad is a born-again Christian and he threw out all his Black Sabbath records when he (re)converted. I started listening to classic metal in college, and I eventually had to ask my dad… “You threw out this? This is some of the lyrically-mildest stuff I’ve ever listened to.” He just kinda shrugged, and admitted that he overreacted a bit, but this is still 100% the way lots of the evangelicals I grew up with think about anything that’s not explicitly marketed as “Christian.”
Holy fucking shit. I almost was exposed to a swear word on the Internet by some asshole cunt. That bitch didn’t know it’s fucking illegal to swear on the Internet. Thank fucking god someone put a thin white line over it. I was about to shit a brick.
Bold comment considering your username.
Always make sure to check your disk drives for errors before you have issues
Or in other words:
You best filesystem check yourself before you filesystem wreck yourself.
You’ve been engagement baited
I’m sick of it too
They didn’t want to open a portal to hell via a spirit of
Damn, American conservatives are weird as fuck.
They think metal is all about devil and demon and hell.
Metal in reality: i’ll make a journey and find this holy sword to defeat evil and uphold justice.
Alternatively: I’m a dwarf and i digging a hole.
It’s wonderful how misunderstood a lot of the ‘evil’ metal bands are. Bands like Cradle of Filth and Cattle Decapitation have ostensibly repulsive artwork and song titles/lyrics, but the themes and meaning behind the songs meander between tongue-in-cheek fun to philosophical pondering to outright castigation of humanity’s treatment of the natural world. Judging a book by its cover and all that stuff…
Then again, there’s Behemoth, who literally describe summoning demons and other pagan and satanic rites in their songs. But good grief, the music is so good.
The origins of metal have more moral correctness than the “Christian” US. Scroll all the way back to 1970, “War Pigs” by Black Sabbath. Song very plainly and literally about the corruption of the political establishment and the evil of war. That undercurrent never went away, all the way to the present.
Cradle of Filth is one of the worst examples to bring up, lol. Principles of Evil Made Flesh and V:Empire is mostly about vampirism and satanism. They literally have albums (Cruelty and Dusk) about Elizabeth Bathory sacrificing children in rituals to Satan to keep her youth and so many songs in Midian have Anti-Christian themes including a protagonist in one of the songs burning down a church.
But agree with you, only a small fraction of metal is satanic, it’s mostly limited to a small subsection of Black Metal. Although… the wiki page for Early Black Metal in Norway is always a fun read. :)
And then there is a 91 year old Christopher Lee that is singing about his Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Grandfather, Charlemagne.
That’s fuckin sick! Thank you for sharing.
No worries! Finding this album made the phrase, “you’ll never be as cool as Christopher Lee,” go from just a statement of fact, in my head, to being a compliment. It’s like being told, yeah you’re a pretty good guy, but Fred Rogers was nicer than you. Must be doing something right to be in that company.
I listen to metal with themes of “my life has go so horribly wrong and all i know is pain” and “hot goth vampire girls”. Sometimes both at the same time.
Metal is EVIL!!! Also metal- 30min prog rock song about the singers devoted mother dying and going to haven to get her wings
🎵diggy diggy hole, diggy diggy hole🎵
Or about fighting Nazis and defending the Vatican.
I think this makes me want to listen to it more
If anyone’s curious, it’s Psalm 69 by Minestry.
Based on the username, something industrial would have been my first guess.
Slayer is a Christian band, just saying.
If you’re into Satan, you’re subscribing to Christian concepts. An atheist does not believe in God and in extension, Satan does not exist either.
Are they like a knock-off version of Stryper?
What does the guy need in his life? There’s a glitch with the photo that cuts off right when he says. Did anyone follow-up and ask him what he needed?
I don’t like metal. But if it rips portals open, I’ll start listening anyway.
I thought I didn’t like metal. A 91 year old Christopher Lee made me reevaluate that stance
I can actually understand him singing it
what you want to listen to is called power metal. they have amazing vocals and epic riffs evoking heroism and glory.
if you’re interested in a journey, try Iced Earth - Dante’s Inferno. it’s like 9 songs in one. you can tell what it’s about from the title.
Thanks for the suggestion! I’ll give it a listen.
Do they have to be ripped? Can metal not simply caress them open?
You can’t caress demons out of the void!
Well not with that attitude
Slaanesh disagrees.
Rip & Tear!
Hypothetically once a demonic hell portal opens could you push someone through it, stop listening, and trap them there? Will it work if I am the only listener using ear buds and Spotify? Asking for a friend…