True. It’s been number one requested game, but its copyright hell is among EA and Microsoft :(
Just your typical internet guy with questionable humor
True. It’s been number one requested game, but its copyright hell is among EA and Microsoft :(
Only in yo ho ho seas 🏴☠️
Care to hand down one? I only have free domains, like stuff that ends with cr.hf or whatever
I’d trade that update for one that fixed the jank combat. I will continue to complain about the gun being auto-holstered after 2 seconds without firing as one of the worst parts of combat, so “line your shot” is a terrible strategy because by the time it’s lined, you’ll miss due to the animation creating a 1s lag between click and shot.
The almost random targeting of what you’ll interact with when holding E is another big annoyance.
Capital ships are a total letdown, too. All they do is sit around motionless in space. Can’t destroy anything bigger than a fighter.
Depends on what you want out of the game. Freelancer is old, but it’s still one of the best experiences you can get. If you really want to feel like a nobody pilot going from rags to riches, X4 or Elite: Dangerous can scratch itch, but both have considerable learning curves, with X4 allowing you to own space stations and pilot anything from fighters to frigates.
Mas hoje em dia não é que nem no início dos anos 2000, ter que ficar acordado 2, 3 da madrugada, na expectativa q passasse emanuelle e não uma merda de culto da fé 😆🤣
The Blue Lagoon
Shit, that was a Brazilian afternoon staple for the whole 90s. No idea how much the tv channel censored/cut for the afternoon, but considering we had “banheira do gugu” during sunday afternoons… (if you don’t wanna look for it on youtube, it was a piece where 2 celebrities, a man and a woman, would get in a bathtub and try to get as many soaps out. One of them would be tasked with getting the soap, the other was tasked with not letting the other do so. All of that live for the whole country, of course)
It’ll hit the bomb, so teams a and b will be blasted either way :)
I’ve played enough X-COM to know that 50/50 is actually 100%, I just don’t know which way. Better trigger it!!
The part between the buns, obviously
I’m with you there. 2016 has a much better pacing and general feel. While both kinda feel like serious Sam, moving from one enemy arena to another, Eternal has a much stronger feeling that that’s all you’re doing. I also disliked the super limited ammo and being semi forced to change weapons for each enemy. All the parkouring and bar swinging didn’t feel like it added “good variety” to the gameplay
Anticheat became a necessity because too many games decided to remove the ability for players to host their own servers. This sucks a lot when people get some games that have SP/MP but never really bother with the MP part
There’s also the problem that most anticheat software will only stop the laziest cheaters, usually the ones that aren’t willing to pay for the cheating software. There are a bunch of cheat-focused forums and creating the software can be profitable.
Anything with systemd :)
start interactions by saying “We’re tourists from Germany…”
Right now, I guess 1/4 the people they interact with in USA might give the fash salute in joy or something
Probably for the better, though the general spacesuits as armor theme doesn’t make the slightest bit of sense either.
I really wish one of the devs would come out and talk why they a-ok’d the RNG to be a single pass with nothing between POIs - also generated without a single thought about anything since, to me, that’s the third biggest letdown of the game (the first is the universe/setting, the second is the main story, )
Before seeing the previous comic, I thought “the press” was a mechanical press, which made me think the thing had some spirit or demon inhabiting it, hence why “you don’t talk to the press”
Ships’ sails. I mean, I know some small vessels still use them, but look at any paintings from 1500s-1800s and tell me those huge white pieces of cloth don’t look cool.
When you least expect it, a horse-riding centaur…
salsa -
Please tell me your students aren’t making pages that load >5MB of uncompressed javascript and css
I need to get back on Rebel Galaxy, I think I got some 2 or 3 missions past reuniting with your aunt. The sound track is fucking amazing, though the gameplay being essentially naval battles in space really let me down at first, as I personally prefer 6 degrees of freedom, but the game does all things well.