Sacrifice every quality in your game for Engaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagement. What could go wrong. People will be so addicted to Green they will put up with any amount of Red. Maybe sell some Crossover Skins to make even more money on top of a Battle Pass, with Lootboxes!
Lots of games have poor matchmakers whether by malicious design or outright laziness. Over a decade ago Ubisoft specifically pattented a matchmaker learning tool that watches how long you play, how many matches you play, and how many losses you “put up with” without quitting, thereby deciding how often to sprinkle in steamroll wins. They swore it was “just to patent it and that no projects are planned to use this”, but when does the industry not lie through their teeth.
The truth of the matter is that actual good matchmaking is extremely difficult, and it only gets harder the more players you have in a match.
Shhhh, its just the lazy devs who also work super hard to make it terrible. /s
Everyone thinks their game of choice has bad match making, but it’s just salt most of the time and doesn’t pan out when actually tested and measured objectively. If match making was perfect they would win 50% of the time, but perfection is impossible because the system can only work with the players online right now. Those players aren’t equally good every day, either, nor are they equally good against all other players, or on all maps. It’s a moving target.
That doesn’t even touch on cross play, or premade teams, which further complicate it.