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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 22nd, 2023


  • I’ve had some similar difficulties in really masculine spaces so I can relate to that part. I think I learned enough about being “one of the guys” that I can sort of participate, but I’m not enjoying myself.

    Honestly I haven’t had the same experience with women, though. I’ve always had lots of platonic female friends through my life and I sometimes find it easier to hang out with women than men, or a mixed crowd is generally fine, too.

    Don’t get me wrong, I have male friends that I really enjoy spending time with, but they’re not stereotypical guys either so that’s probably why.

    How do I cope? I just don’t spend time with guys I don’t vibe with honestly. Life’s too short to hang out with boring people.

  • Shhhh, its just the lazy devs who also work super hard to make it terrible. /s

    Everyone thinks their game of choice has bad match making, but it’s just salt most of the time and doesn’t pan out when actually tested and measured objectively. If match making was perfect they would win 50% of the time, but perfection is impossible because the system can only work with the players online right now. Those players aren’t equally good every day, either, nor are they equally good against all other players, or on all maps. It’s a moving target.

    That doesn’t even touch on cross play, or premade teams, which further complicate it.

  • You nailed it about the gameplay in your guess. It was very cutting edge when it came out. The animations on the plasmids were especially memorable I recall. It’s interesting to hear that part doesn’t hold up so well.

    I’d highly recommend you play 2 as well. It’s quite different but I thought it was the best of the series gameplay-wise.

    If you like the setting I would also recommend you go on to play BioShock infinite and specifically the DLC for it. I won’t say why, and I recommend you go through the base game first (very cool in its own right), but the DLC is really going to tickle your fancy I think.

  • One example I like is Dredge. If you took away inventory management from that game, you would basically destroy its whole economy and progression system. It would also get rid of the interesting way they make having tons of equipment mean you can’t carry as much at once, creating a tradeoff.

    I think one thing people get mixed up is the limitation side of a limited inventory – which is often a good thing for creating choices, tension, and pacing – and the physical action of sorting and arranging an inventory. This second one is a perfect place to streamline in my opinion because while the limitations on inventory create meaningful choices, having to spend a while rearranging your stuff to fit something in is very rarely good gameplay. You might already be making this distinction, but I wanted to clarify that just in case.

    Inventory size/weight capacity is essentially a resource to manage, and I’m a big proponent of resource management in games (and this is coming from a designer who tried to get rid of and streamline resources for years – it has some major downsides).