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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: October 23rd, 2024

  • Can solar and battery production keep up with expanding demand?

    China is expanding so fast that they are accused of overproducing, and so supply capacity is not only there, it can increase further.

    Usually the proper solution is a mix of technologies. It shouldn’t be solar vs nuclear vs wind, but a mixture.

    The main benefit of wind is in battery reduction. A capacity equal to lowest night demand. Wind often produces longer hours than solar per day. The predictability of solar allows clear power forecasts, and then enough solar for needs with a small grid connection allowing both monetizing surpluses, and having resilience in shortfalls. Nuclear has no economic or climate roles, for being both too expensive and of too long a delay.

    I also think hydrogen is an interesting option as well, since it’s sort of an alternative to batteries,

    Hydrogen is the solution for having unlimited renewables and being able to monetize all of their surpluses. It is a bonus to be able to provide emergency/peak power, including renting a vehicle to have bonus value of powering a building. For today, backup fossil fuel generators can still provide resilience value to solar.

  • First 0 nuclear reactors will be built anywhere in US before 2035.

    Texas is actually a renewables leader because, believe it or not, it has the least corrupt grid/utility sector, and renewables are the best market solution.

    Even with 24/7 datacenter needs, near site solar + 4 hour batteries is quicker to build than fossil fuel plants and long transmission, and it also allows an eventual small grid connection to both provide overnight resilience from low transmission utilization fossil fuel as peakers anywhere in the state as well as export clean energy on sunnier days.

    Market solutions, despite hostile governments, can reduce fossil fuel electricity even with massive demand surge. One of the more important market effects is that reliance of mass fossil fuel electricity expansion and expensive long high capacity transmission, would ensure a high captive cost at high fuel costs because of mass use, in addtion to extorting all regular electricity consumers. Solar locks in costs forever, including potentially reducing normal consumer electricity costs.

  • That was the big propaganda hope of suiciding Ukraine. “Surely Russian people will believe complete BS that NATO is a purely defensive alliance that has an open door policy because it loves everyone it captures”. Russian economy has outperformed the colonies who embraced their pipeline sabotage. The fantasy of invading Russia has occurred multiple times in the last centuries. It never worked out, and of all of the attempts, this is the biggest failure of them all.

  • Simply not credible. Russia has enough drilling sites available to it to serve decades of demand. It set clear reasonable red lines to avoid an invasion, and investing in developing resources on contested land is an extra, unnecessary, risk that makes such investment uneconomic. It is grossly unfair to impute imperialist objective to Russia’s special military operation which was purely to prevent rabid NATO expansionist evil.

    Except for this war, global oil/liquid fuel demand is declining. But use in the war is just a massive, at least 3% of global diesel use, nevermind the terrorist attacks on refineries/depots/supplies. US aligned nations have simply wanted this war more than Russia all along, and it is unfair to fantasize Russian resource expansion as an objective.

  • and fossil fuels, that continued “subscription” model, is a massive incentive for war and disrupting competing suppliers. Solar does require copper (distribution) and sand plus a bit of silver, batteries just lithium phosphate and iron, and all of these are relatively abundant (sodium as lithium replacement even more abundant). More importantly, once you’ve bought your solar and batteries, you have fuck you energy: secure and independent.

    War on Russia was a last grasp effort to keep diesel refining at maximum capacity, and attempt to capture Europe’s NG supply. Doesn’t matter how much Biden loved US O&G, he wasn’t going to be loved back.

  • If you did not understand that the US was the evil force in the world all along, then your new feeling is mostly based on the previous internalization that countries resisting US evil were the evil ones, and that the US now picking wars on allies that it can easily win, and giving up on wars it cannot win. Colonial rulerships supporting US evil, were also deeply explicitly evil and subjugating their people’s prosperity with disinformation and subjugation.

    Inside the US, Zionist first rule was always a factor, but never as important as last election cycle. Oligarchy/media siding with the most zionist candidate, is simply ensuring the naked totalitarianism we must now endure. That the US has shifted the targets of its evil, does not change its nature. Replacing Presidential subjugation of allies with CIA subversive control of allies may not be as effective in force multiplication of evil, but it is just breaking your previous feelings/geopolitical illusions of “good”/values based alliances.

  • The European “ultra right” parties tend to be NATO/Ukraine “skeptics”. European leaders that Trump has praised (Hungary, Turkey) were the most independent from US. Slovakia is independent without being “ultra right”. The only nations with good economic growth since Ukraine are the independent ones.

    Trump/US behaviour is creating unity among the world against the US. But understand the most sycophantic colonial servitude has come from the moderate governments in Europe. Canadian political heads are all CIA agents, but there too, resistance is forced, and centrist parties have gained huge polling jumps.

    The US empire’s control over allies is only possible through the subterfuge of “freely chosen love” for their masters. Rulerships defiant of NATO and EU is equivalent to defiant of US, though balkanization of Europe and wars in Europe, is much easier than the wet dream of balkanizing Russia. It is a vector for massive US weapon sales, and similar reconstruction deals as Ukraine for eventually picking a side.

    The worst possible decision from EU main 3 is to choose supporting Ukraine in continued war against Russia. Suicidal, and will serve balkanization of Europe objectives. Union with world for independence (not war) from US is the right path.