Why does it feel that the evil sides globally are winning. Even evil people are winning. Why?

  • humanspiral@lemmy.ca
    3 days ago

    If you did not understand that the US was the evil force in the world all along, then your new feeling is mostly based on the previous internalization that countries resisting US evil were the evil ones, and that the US now picking wars on allies that it can easily win, and giving up on wars it cannot win. Colonial rulerships supporting US evil, were also deeply explicitly evil and subjugating their people’s prosperity with disinformation and subjugation.

    Inside the US, Zionist first rule was always a factor, but never as important as last election cycle. Oligarchy/media siding with the most zionist candidate, is simply ensuring the naked totalitarianism we must now endure. That the US has shifted the targets of its evil, does not change its nature. Replacing Presidential subjugation of allies with CIA subversive control of allies may not be as effective in force multiplication of evil, but it is just breaking your previous feelings/geopolitical illusions of “good”/values based alliances.