I wish you all the best, but make a plan of what you are going to do in case it doesn’t work out.
If you broke up could you afford the rent on your own? What about in a few years time? Consider how much rent will increase in your area.
Do you have somewhere else to go back to, family etc?
Edit: to answer the post title, my opinion is wait until you’ve been together at least 1 year, or whenever you think the “honeymoon phase” is over.
I think it depends what you mean by “the tune” - The main melody? All tonal elements?
And also what you mean by “lyrics” - the words only, leaving a voice singing notes? Or no vocals at all?
If you can provide an example song and say specifically which parts to remove it will be easier to understand the question.
Ah ok. I didn’t notice if there was an issue when I was a kid playing it - too busy being enamoured with the battle system!
What’s wrong with it? I enjoyed playing it on PS2.
-Dark Cloud (1 and 2)
-Time Splitters 2
-Red Faction
-Grandia 2
-ICO and Shadow of the Colossus
-Twisted Metal Black
-Ape Escape (2 and 3)
-Armored Core 2
-Dead or Alive 2
-Gran Turismo 3
-Final Fantasy X
-Grand Theft Auto III / Vice City / San Andreas
-Midnight Club Street Racing
-Soul Calibur 2
I’ve been sleeping like shit. The air mattress I sleep on has a slow leak and deflates halfway through the night. It’s also been cold af for the last 3 months and the baseboard heater isn’t enough to heat the room.
On the bright side I finally found a job, so the threat of homelessness is subsiding. I’m looking forward to getting a real bed, now that I know I’ll have a place to keep it.
Relative to the last several months, I’m doing amazing. Thanks for asking.
No. We would go camping and do cool stuff together. The only conflict I foresee is taking turns on the gaming PC, but we would be happy to work together to build a second one.
Look at your phone and say “Gotta go. See you later”. Maybe say something relevant to the discussion to acknowledge them, like “I hope your dog’s rash heals quickly”.
Did you get an important text? See the time? It doesn’t matter because you are already walking away.
Primitive Man, on tour for their 2017 album Caustic. They’re one of the heaviest bands I’ve ever heard. I saw them at Lee’s Palace in Toronto and they made debris fall from the ceiling.
Spectral Voice opened for them and were also incredible - maybe as good or better than Blood Incantation who they share members with.
I haven’t seen the show. From the context you provided and assuming good faith from both parties, it sounds like a skill issue on both their parts.
Don’t understand words? Ask for clarification during the conversation, not after the fact in a performance review.
Audience doesn’t understand your words? If the audience tells you they don’t understand, take that feedback and try to communicate more effectively.
It’s not fair to judge if this is micromanaging or toxic based on the first discussion about it. It depends on how both parties behave and choose to cooperate now that the issue has been raised. Knowing whatever history these characters have and the tone of the scene might paint a better picture of their intentions.
Conchiglie, the medium size of shells.
Shepherd’s pie