Did you really just describe juggling balls as your job? Come on dude look in the mirror. Put on a trump hat or any of the other dog whistles they use and talk to your blue collar and tech bro buddies your in for a treat.
Did you really just describe juggling balls as your job? Come on dude look in the mirror. Put on a trump hat or any of the other dog whistles they use and talk to your blue collar and tech bro buddies your in for a treat.
Sure pal, whatever you say. I have a feeling them blue collar boys have a different opinion but know your soft. Which is why you feel like the financial and tech people bully you cuz.
I don’t work with tech people. Tech people are smart. They know how to prevent cross contamination of social media. Lol tech people also know how to curate opinions to suit the situation. My experience has been tech people are privately very conservative. Kinda how everyone was shocked when they found out what a piece of shit musk was. But what do I know I hope I’m wrong but I also made a lot of money betting trump would win this election.
The price for paradise is high, some gamble losing themselves and worse some will lose their souls.
I’m glad you finally can admit you are a bigot. Now you can put in the work to get better. I’d start by going outside touching grass then go straight to therapy.
Have you spoken to him personally or just the stuff you see on your feed and the “news”? I was one of the biggest Bernie bros out there but dude there comes a time when you wouldn’t let someone drive you in a car yet you feel fine about them leading the country?
He will be 82! Have you talked to any 80 year olds recently?
We aren’t here to argue about quantum clocking. It was still readable before you measured the damage.
Yeah you’re a Robinson R-22
You’ll have to complete in sports regardless, no more weight classes, no woman league, no special handicaps for helicopters. Your either good enough to compete or not. Also shame on you for what your people did to Kobe.
Technically you are correct the best kind of correct. I also enjoy how the stopped clock is absolutely correct twice a day while a “working” clock is never absolutely correct.
The brain worm however holds a very staunch anti vaccine viewpoint.
Greatest app ever.
Or the people around you do. I’m shocked occasionally after going home from work lol.
To late at the ballet box, to late at the jury box …
It’s such a fucking stupid argument everyone is a human just get rid of male and female and sex all together.
A broken clock is correct twice a day. Never let your bias cloud your vision, your judgement, and reality.
Pretty sure the documentary I saw and the person they spoke to preferred “Indians” but it’s not like 1 tribe speaks for all of them? You probably should do some research before you sound like my grandpa without his hearing aids, yelling about the “orientals” and embarrassing the fuck out of me.
Doom eternal was fun up until you had to jump around like a drunken spiderman. Turned that shit off so fast, never buying a doom game again.