Forza Horizon lol
Also Far Cry. No story connection between the games although there is one minor recurring character.
Also [email protected]
Forza Horizon lol
Also Far Cry. No story connection between the games although there is one minor recurring character.
Maybe Spiderman one will get cheaper
I guess they don’t want it to be profitable then. Maybe over the next 10 years it will break even on Epic.
If they’re making less money, any less money, that will hurt their feelings really bad.
Why would he say something so easily disproven at this point? If Ukraine should not have fought back they would have been defeated already.
I don’t think it’s coop. I would have played it coop if it was.
Because I like to see the art that the game artists made, not AI interpretation of what should be in-between the frames. I’m not hung up on framerate, as long as it’s stable and above 30 I’m good.
Also Sniper Elite 4 and 5, and The Saboteur. The Saboteur has boobies and we can all agree on boobies.
At least modern hardware runs the spaghetti code much better than Windows XP used to run.
Many of the citizens are okay, it’s most of the government you gotta worry about. But yeah I don’t blame you for quarantining that disease.
If someone shows you who they are, believe them.
Yes, Bill Clinton.
It’s in the Democratic party platform, “ban assault weapons.” 90% of their party platform is fine but I don’t agree with that part.
It’s great they’re still supporting the game but fake frames are of no interest to me.
Republicans don’t want to respect 14th amendment, Democrats don’t want to respect 2nd amendment.
If Mexico becomes part of the US at least we’ll get rid of a lot of the immigration controversy, right? Right?!
Depends on the type of religion. One that preaches peace and tolerance and service and is against greed could be beneficial.
But the type of Christian fascists that elected Trump are not beneficial to society. They’re the ones that either want you kiss dear leader’s ass or die.
If he had just bought more Bitcoin right then instead of spending all the time and money fighting this then he’d probably be wealthy now.
I think this is a married couple deciding not to walk through a relationship minefield together and it seems very reasonable. Yeah maybe he could be more open-minded but it is very nice of her to not rock the boat.