Workman’s comp wouldn’t be necessary if we had universal healthcare.
Workman’s comp wouldn’t be necessary if we had universal healthcare.
Even then, they still own the housing stock as assets, which they can hold indefinitely. Their financial backing and ability to weather financial storms is much higher than the average American family. The goal is to remove ownership from the lower classes and ensure the plebs can only rent. It’s more about control than anything.
Realistically, the loss of women’s income would lead to a housing crisis as millions of families are unable to pay their mortgage, but it’s naive to think housing prices will plummet. Plenty of vulture capital firms and the like will happily scoop those houses up to rent back to us in perpetuity.
Lol that’s how my family has always been with Denny’s.
I paid for the lifetime pass maybe, 10 years ago? I dunno, it’s been a very long time. It’s still my primary. I’ve been trialing Jellyfin, but there are still enough quirks that my wife (non-techie at all) won’t put up with, so yeah. That, and Plex makes it too easy to share outside my house, not sure where Jellyfin is at with it. I appreciate Jellyfin for what it is though, it has a lot of potential.
That’s that funny thing about laws and selective enforcement
While I can’t find the specific ordinance at the moment, I’m about 95% positive that LA County has a law on the books prohibiting open carry, even unloaded (including replicas), even with a CCW. There are exemptions for law enforcement and while filming a permitted movie/tv show. Typically, local ordinance will supercede state law in situations like this here in CA.
That all said, I wouldn’t be trying my luck against the LAPD/LASD lol.
Wasn’t that from the Rodney King riots in 1992?
Concealed sure, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone open carry in LA.
Waaay illegal in Los Angeles
If you want to argue a dictionary then be my guest.
No, genocide is explicitly defined as:
the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group
-Cide is to kill or killing, and is derived from Middle French, from Latin -cida, from caedere to cut, kill
Many small independent liquor stores still do this, but you have to ask. But yeah, long gone are the days where every restaurant had matchbooks right next to the peppermints and toothpicks in your way out.
I’d love to see that first one written up just to have flag manufacturers go, “Wait, what?”
No worries. If it’s going about day to day errands with some music in your ears, the DAC dongle is probably your best bet in terms of keeping what you have to carry compact.
On a side note, I always figured the Bell Riots that were supposed to be back in September of our timeline were just a hair delayed and slightly miscalculated.
That was way too much visual in one comment, well done.
Any USB-C to 3.5 dongle that has a DAC module will be miles better than just the straight cable converter for a fraction of the price and not going into an extensive array of hardware, it just depends how far OP wants to go down the audible rabbit hole.
Its Texas, therefore it’s god’s will.