So surprising, things have really changed since the “grab her by the pussy” days
“When they came for me, there was nobody left to help.”
Incels are finally having their moment. Next they will propose laws requiring hot girls to date them.
Not date them, breed ala handmaids tale
The government mandated girlfriend will finally come true for Incels.
Incels aren’t getting shit out of this, this benefits rightwing patriarchs who have abused wives at home.
Incels are alone in a basement or some shit dreaming about being the rightwing patriarch but the rightwing patriarch doesn’t likely feel anything but disgust for the incel. They’d purge the incel in a heartbeat if they could.
It’s more about doing everything they can to increase white birthrates. This us very much to secure white identity and majority.
Replacement theory in effect
No they wouldn’t. That’s their voter base
Note the “if they could”
Trump is like a 5 years old spoiled child…
This is creeps like Stephen Miller and the other nazi goons. Trump is an idiot. He’ll do anything if you compliment him enough.
Christian right woman will support this. “He’s right, I’m not fully capable.”
It’s weird having a branch of my family that has these values and family structure. They’d probably support the idea of the male head of a family having the only vote. And yet, they clearly don’t agree that men should be able to beat their wives, because it happened to one of their daughters and they quickly helped her leave her abusive husband. Good people with very backwards ideas.
Can’t wait to see all the videos of right-wing women surprised: “What?!! No one told us he was going to do this! We thought when he said he hated women he was only trolling/owning the libs/joking around!”
The Anti-DEI people hate women? Whodathunk
Look at how Teheran women were dressed in the 70s, and contrast that to how they’re dressed now. The same future awaits American women.
Handmaids Tale, anyone?
Margaret Atwood is rolling in her… checks google… Well-appointed Canadian home.
I’m sure she’s just going “I literally warned all of you, and the government is using it as an instruction book.”
This never gets old.
Unfortunately this never gets old.
Yeah, no. US society is nothing like islamic societies. A faction if the rabid right thinks like this, and the rest of the right may agree to an extent, but they are aware that they can’t sell that to the majority. Plus, too many women jusdges.
Oh please. What part of what’s happening now makes you think they give a damn what the rest of us think?
But the rabid right-wing Christofascists running the GOP, are exactly like the religious nuts who took over Iran.
‘‘Everyone is too reasonable for this to happen, despite the fact that the people in charge of every branch of government have repeatedly made it clear this is what they want to do’’
Yes, most people are against this. Also most people are pro choice, or at the very least pro choice in cases of medical necessity, rape or incest, and most people are against laws specifically designed to ethnically clense the US of Hispanic people entirely, or laws that prevent children from accessing modem healthcare, or an unelected billionaire acting as though he’s the president.
Most people being against something doesn’t mean they won’t do everything to make it happen. This has been in the works for the federalist society and so called family values groups and fundamentalist Christian nationalists for my entire life, this isn’t an accident that is happening now.
oh to be so naive again…
You being pessimistic does not make you wise.
It does, apparently, make you condescending. But not wise.
And you saying “yeah, no” doesn’t constitute a rebuttal. There’s nothing in the Qur’an that isn’t in the Bible vis-à-vis the treatment of women. The only difference between Islamic societies is that they’ve convinced more people to take it literally, and it absolutely can happen in the US.
I didn’t say yeah no
I said the person I responded to was being rude to the person they responded to
It’s possible to disagree on a subject without implying the person you disagree with is a dumb child.
I apologise. It was elucubra who said “yeah no” and not you.
But what if they are a woman…?
whatever you need to tell yourself to sleep at night.
I do not get any better or worse sleep by telling you you’re rude. You may be under the delusion you are responding to someone else.
All it takes is heavy propaganda that exaggerates the upsides and downplays the downsides, while shutting down dissidence.
And they will still hate Muslims (and label all of them insane radicals) for Islam’s views on women. Even though Islamic views on women are actually better than what Christian nationalists believe.
Scanning the article, the practical threat (besides crazy ideological stunts) seems to be stealth disenfranchisement of this type:
House Republicans passed a bill (which stalled in the Senate) this session to require citizens to have a passport or birth certificate matching their name to vote. This would be a back-door ban on voting for any woman who took her husband’s last name and doesn’t have a passport, an estimated 69 million women. It would also disproportionately affect Republican women, who are more likely to be married, more likely to have changed their name and less likely to have a passport.
It won’t affect republican women because the people running those voting stations won’t enforce the rule for “their own”.
Dam I never thought about it
A passport always contains the current last name. If you took on a new one you have to get a new one issued. That’s standard pretty much all over the world.
you have to get a new one issued
This is the part that’s mistaken: you don’t need a passport if you don’t travel to foreign lands. As far as I know, Americans usually prove their identity using a driver’s license, rarely using a passport.
No one in my family has a passport. So with this law only the men could vote, unless they spend the money to get a passport despite not aiming to travel.
Birth certificates can’t be changed and need to match, and that’s one of the forms of ID listed.
Passports aren’t free, and not everyone has one to begin with. This blatantly stonewalls women, especially underprivileged women.
Some states allow you to update your birth certificate after a legal name change. It’s definitely not universal, and much less likely in red states.
Some states allow you to update your birth certificate after a legal name change.
This also has a fee attached.
It’s definitely not universal, and much less likely in red states.
Yeah, even just checking, and it looks like Massachusetts doesn’t allow name changes for this purpose, and really only does it to correct mistakes at the time a record was made: "For example, you cannot change your birth record solely for a legal change of name. "
Did they even think any of this through? LOL
Americans are pretty weird about their ID things.
Other than a driver’s license, most of them don’t have any ID.
They don’t have any sort of unique ID number either. They have a social security number, which is not guaranteed to be unique. Two people can have the same SSN. One person can have two SSNs. You’re apparently supposed to keep your SSN secret, but they’re assigned somewhat sequentially and they get leaked a lot. It’s a clusterfuck.
SSNs are guaranteed to be unique upon assignment. The problem is that so many leaks have happened that nearly everyone’s has been stolen and is being used in some type of financial identity theft. The thieves are the people with two (or more) SSNs.
The sad thing is this is kinda solved in the advertising space. Like, they know who I am, uniquely, including emails, phone numbers, and drivers license. The data is available, but banks (the primary users of the SSN) are perpetually stuck with 30yo tech.
It is supposed to to keep your SSN secret and not carry the card with you everywhere but you have to memorize it and everyone and their dog is gonna ask for it. It is kinda scary how many times you have to give it out to random people over the phone or email.
Most citizens in the divided states of southern north america do not have a passport though. And a birth certificate doesn’t have your current last name on it if you took someone else’s in marriage. That’s the point.
For the believers, I think that tmany would be fine with this. It reinforces their preferred structure of a patriarchy in which they have a well-defined place and role (head of the domestic household, subservient to the man). No worries about having to deal with a fickle job market or figuring out what you want to do with your life. Your life path is set (get married, raise kids, take care of family), and, for some, that well-defined role the status that it conveys is really comforting. It provides a sense of security.
It’s why, I expect, while there are many who fight it, there are plenty of women in Muslim societies who are fine with things as they are. We emphasize with those women who chafe at that and fight it since we’ve history valued the individual rights of self-determination and freedom, of course.
Thats a big allure of the American taliban to some folks. It provides structure and defined roles in a chaotic world.
Of course, republican men like it for the power, but more importantly, that women voters mostly vote against them. Stopping women from voting would cement them in power.
If you gloss over the fact that it could be FUCKING VOLUNTARY instead of hate crime. your point is valid for anyone that loves to be forced to do things they don’t believe in
I’m not arguing for it, I agree that it’s fine if it’s a free choice. I don’t think personally that it’s a good one, though.
My point is that many of the women pushing this on the republican side view all of this, including their own loss of rights, as a positive likely. It’s not like a “leopards eating faces” or “voting against their interests” situation where they might be reachable.
Unfortunately, there’s a lot of truth to this.
It’s a societal and cultural problem where males bend over backwards to enable female’s delusions in order to get laid.
Well that’s the most delusional thing I’ve heard in a while.
Did you know that women’s brains develop faster? Different sources say different years, but it seems to lie between 1 to 5 years on average depending on what age you look at.
Estrogens stimulate development of the frontal lobe. Executive functions, risk-assesment and empathy to name a few tasks it does. Which plays a role in why girls with a developmental disorder, are often able to compensate enough (masking) to keep up with their peers, or even be in the top of the class. Boys on the other hand are less lucky, and their grades are affected more clearly by the same disorders. ASD, AD(H)D, dyslexia/dyscalculi to name a few. Interestingly, hyperlexia is almost only seen in girls. While it is a developmental disorder, it often works in their favor in school settings. Estrogens appear to play a role in language development.
Estrogens also improve memory and learning. It’s why women have a better memory than men on average, and why they are outperforming men academically on average. Yes, women will remember everything you said to them. For good and bad purposes.
Estrogens also play a role in social development. Which is why girls often prefer playing with toys that have a face on it, and integrate social feedback more often. Part of the reason girls are held to higher standards, which results in girls working harder in school, and suffering more often from performance/achievement related stress.
If anyone has a child’s brain at 30, it’s you mate.
Sure bud.
I never commented on their actual brain development, only how society treats them which is objectively true and has a real impact.
It’s sad watching how desperate you are to avoid reality when you don’t like it, but I don’t expect more from you people at this point.
You didn’t read my comment, did you? I mentioned in my comment, that society holds girls and women to higher standards, and it’s effects on performance. Which is the opposite of pandering.
that society holds girls and women to higher standards
Yeah, this is what I mean by bending over backwards to enable their delusions. The problem has gotten so bad we don’t even realize it’s there.
What are you talking about?
If you don’t want to believe something, you’ll find ways to never believe it.
I’m not answering your question. I’m talking about you, specifically.
Except there is scientific evidence that women are held to higher standards. You’re the delusional one here.
This comment shouldn’t have been censored. It said “Unfortunately, there’s a lot of truth to this. It’s a societal and cultural problem where males bend over backwards to enable female’s delusions in order to get laid” which is completely true.
Make sure you click the dropdown menu and “View comment moderation history” to see what they’re trying to censor from us.
Make sure you click the dropdown menu and “View comment moderation history” to see what they’re trying to censor from us.
“They” is the same thing as “us” on Lemmy. Where do you think you are? If you don’t like the rules of a community or instance you can literally just make a new one.
No rules were being broken.
I said uncomfortable truths you don’t like and you abused your power to censor them.
You’re literally obscuring reality from the community, which is why most of them are living in lala-land.
Misogyny/sexism is a violation of Rule 1.
Posting removed material is always grounds for removal. If you ever have questions or wish to dispute a moderation decision, please message a mod directly. As I mentioned, we are just members of the community who volunteer our time, so we certainly can and do make mistakes. Such issues are discussed by the moderation team when necessary and decided by consensus.
All moderation decisions are public for review on the modlog. Be aware that direct messages on Lemmy are not private or encrypted.
It’s not being misogynist or sexist. I mentioned how other people treat women, which invariably has an effect.
If you want it to stop being true, the answer isn’t to censor it. It’s to acknowledge it as a problem and then we can do something about it.
You could’ve said you wanted to get blocked directly instead of being a giant cunt.
Calm down.
first they came for so called dems and liberals, then they came for poc, and then lgbtq+ and i never spoke up on all those 3 times, then they came for us, republican woman, there was no one left.
in hindsight, republican woman are losing thier seats/elections to republican men and the shrinking amount of GOP woman in congress is only going to get worst.
Ok, i would like Americans to guess what approximate percentage of the venezuelan population WANTED to vote against Maduro on last ellections.
Republican women: dehumanizing themselves to pwn the libs since Reagan.
True, all humans are like children. Maybe AI should take over.
Surviving humans, take note:
Per Syndicate rules, subsection 543 of the Precious Elemental Reserves Code, having failed to file a proper appeal for mineral and elemental rights within 50 solars of first contact, your planet has been successfully seized and is currently being mined of all requested elemental deposits by the assigned planetary regent.
Every interior of your world has been crushed and all raw materials-organic and inanimate-are in the process of being mined for the requested elements.
Per the Mined Material Reclamation Act along with subsection 35 of the Indigenous Planetary Species Protection Act, any surviving humans will be given the opportunity to reclaim their lost matter. The Borant Corporation, having been assigned regency over this solar system, is allowed to choose the manner of this reclamation, and they have chosen option 3, also known as the 18-Level World Dungeon. The Borant Corporation retains all rights to broadcast, exploit, and otherwise control all aspects of the World Dungeon and will remain in control as long as they adhere to Syndicate regulations regarding world resource reclamation.
Upon successful completion of level 18 of the World Dungeon, regency of this planet will revert to the successor.
A Syndicate neutral observer AI-myself-has been created and dispatched to this planet to supervise the creation of the World Dungeon and to ensure all the rules and regulations are properly followed.
Please pay careful attention to the following information as it will not be repeated.
Per the Indigenous Planetary Species Protection Act, all remaining materials-estimated to be 99.999999% of the sifted matter-is currently being repurposed for the subterranean World Dungeon. The first level of this dungeon will open approximately 18 seconds after the end of this announcement. The first-level entrances will be open for exactly one human hour and one hour only. Once the entrances are closed, you may no longer enter. If you enter, you may not leave until you have either completed all 18 levels of the World Dungeon or if you meet certain other requirements.