I actually agree with the article, though I think it is premature. The Switch 2 trailer does nothing to attract normal people to buy the Switch 2. The trailer showed that the S2 is slightly larger, has a new JoyCon attachment, and implied that the graphics are better. None of that is a reason to throw away your Switch 1 and buy the Switch 2. Most people don’t care about top of the line graphics and those that do know that a PC or PS5 Pro is the top of the line and a high end phone will beat the Switch 2 for portable power.
Normal people want to hear the story about what the system offers. The Wii sold video games that made you more active instead of less. The Switch offered the same gaming experience at home and on the go. Every generation of PlayStation sells on top end graphics in a plug-and-play box.
What will be the unique selling point of the Switch 2? Hopefully we will know after the April announcement.
This is by no means a new problem, but every time I hear about it, it is only an issue in board games sold on Amazon, eBay, and other sites that sell on behalf of third party sellers. I have never heard of anyone getting a knock off game from a reputable board game store (online or brick-and-mortar). Those stores buy games from publishers, either directly or via a distributor (and I fear the day that distributors start dealing in knock-offs).
At this point, many hobbyists know what stores to buy from, but people who are not glued to hobby discussions do not. Unfortunately, I am not sure what publishers or customers can do about it except ask for politicians to hold Amazon accountable for trafficking fake goods.