Nintendo’s Switch 2 reveal felt like a lightning bolt delivered straight from Zeus himself for everyone except, well, most people. In fact, since the console – which fans have spent years clamoring for – looks so much like its predecessor, some analysts predict it’ll have trouble appealing to a general audience.
“I can imagine ‘normies’ being a bit confused,” gaming industry consultant Serkan Toto tells GamesRadar+. “The device is bigger than the original Switch, but not comically large. The form factor, button layout, and overall design are very similar to Switch 1, so I can imagine issues arising when potential mainstream buyers look at the new device.”
I think people are familiar with numbers
People will probrally say “bigger number better” and blindly buy it even though it probrally wont offer much over the Switch 1.
The console will sell but not better than the switch 1, I think cause the world is in one crisis after the another and gaming is seen as a luxury by many. When they see is like the 1 but only has a 2 some would not jump over ship.
Gaming is a luxury but it is also an escape. Alcohol sells well in any economy. When the market goes up, you sell champagne to celebrate and when it goes down, you sell beer to forget. Nintendo is firmly positioned as “affordable gaming”.
Don’t want to go out and deal with other people? Stay inside and game.
Tired of kids screaming homophobic slurs at you in CoD? Now you know why Nintendo limits voice chat.
Can’t afford to take your kids to Mario Land at Universal? Bring Mario Land into your living room (on the Switch 1).
Are there people that can afford stuff anymore?
It’s like the switch, but 2. I just don’t understand it. /S
The only thing I don’t actually understand are what appear to be the exact same sticks as my drifty joycons, and the $70+ price tags on Nintendo games. If Nintendo can aggressively slash game prices on sale and fix their hardware issues, I might buy it.
They are reportedly using hall effect sticks this time which cannot develop drift.
looks around for telltale signs that we’ve entered 4Chan. Like shit streaks on the walls.
I think Gen X parents and younger are familiar with how the newest edition of a computer is “better” than previous ones. I dont see this being an issue.
It also wasn’t an issue with the GB and DS lines, and the Switch notoriously follows the handheld pattern quite closely, so I don’t think this will be an issue.
The reveal trailer has almost 20 million views BTW.
Yeah, people really have a big problem understanding “I’ll buy the latest, since it’s the best, number is bigger” . Concepts like “ok, all previous stuff works but new stuff only works here”. Such crazy concepts. The GBC was a flop because GB already existed.
If buyers can handle whatever X Box’s naming convention is then I’m sure they can handle previous gaming console name plus one.
That’s the neat part: they can’t :^)
Gamestops during the Xbox Series launch were a mess, parents weren’t sure which “Xbox” was the Xbox their kid wanted, and people ended up walking out of stores with Xbox One S boxes when they were asked for a Series S 🤣
To be fair, Microsoft’s actively self-sabotaging marketing didn’t help with their push to blend every model’s identity together as “The Xbox” (even before last year’s “This is an Xbox” campaign), so maybe it’s not the fairest example lol
Xbox “Series” is the stupidest name for a mainstream game console since the WiiU. And the Xbox One is pretty dumb, too.
How do I look up games for the original Xbox? People used to call it the Xbox 1 when the 360 came out.
What about Xbox-exclusive games? Well, can’t call them Xbox series anymore.
They cemented themselves as a permanent underdog after trying to keep up with Sony. It worked for the PS360 era, but it seems they’ve been getting lost ever since then.
I think with Nintendo’s attack on emulators and stuff, I’m going to finally crack my OG switch (the unpatchable one) and rip all of my games and buy a Steamdeck, honestly. I heard emulation there is great, and I’ve already backed up all of the emulators since before they were taken down.
If the Switch 2 is backwards compatible and can play the OG switch games; then we know exactly WHY they started the crackdown - because likely the same methods as before will work just fine against the Switch 2 as well.
I won’t pirate the games, but I don’t think I’m gonna worry about my old switch being banned from their online network any longer either. Especially after they shut down the old DS network.
This was written by someone with a raging Nintendo hate-boner. I’m certain because I have my own Nintendo hate-boner and even I’m not that deluded.
The Wii had so many peripherals and used naming like “Wii blah” so often, that WiiU was viewed as an attachment and not a new console. The name Switch 2 is very clear. I don’t think it’s comparable at all.
I think the GB and DS Lineup was much more difficult.
I actually agree with the article, though I think it is premature. The Switch 2 trailer does nothing to attract normal people to buy the Switch 2. The trailer showed that the S2 is slightly larger, has a new JoyCon attachment, and implied that the graphics are better. None of that is a reason to throw away your Switch 1 and buy the Switch 2. Most people don’t care about top of the line graphics and those that do know that a PC or PS5 Pro is the top of the line and a high end phone will beat the Switch 2 for portable power.
Normal people want to hear the story about what the system offers. The Wii sold video games that made you more active instead of less. The Switch offered the same gaming experience at home and on the go. Every generation of PlayStation sells on top end graphics in a plug-and-play box.
What will be the unique selling point of the Switch 2? Hopefully we will know after the April announcement.