Well shit, I wasn’t planning on assassinations but some people already behave like they have a baguette up their ass, and this could be improved.
Well shit, I wasn’t planning on assassinations but some people already behave like they have a baguette up their ass, and this could be improved.
There has to be a pretty good vegan french toast recipe somewhere for inspiration on egg replacement.
“Lukee kuin piru Raamattua” (Finnish).
Literally “to read like the Devil reads the Bible”.
Meaning to examine something in bad faith. Never heard it used it in context of the Bible or anything religious, but eg. when interpreting law or contract, looking for the details that could be twisted for your purpose, rather than what the text attempts to convey.
Homeless. My country has decent social security and “housing first” policy, it’s reasonable to expect to be able to exit the situation soon.
US, same, but exit for edgier reasons.
I don’t think community service for women would be anything but a punishment, it wouldn’t improve defence in any way and would just be an excuse to not pay someone to do the same job.
I’ve lately been thinking that some kind of weekend-long preparedness course every year, or every few years, might be a good option. With an intensive 1-4 week infodump and practical training to start with. Hopefully in case of SHTF we could help keep everyone warm, fed and un-panicked for at least a few days while everyone further up the chain has their hands full. Also might help combat misinformation, maintain first-aid and civilian firefighting skills, enhance home cybersecurity, establish a neighborhood LoRa/Meshtastic network or get everyone on Briar for communication without major infrastructure (okay, that’s just me daydreaming), etc.
But yeah, pro-mandatory-military-training in our case, target group however the defence forces wants to set it, but don’t really see the point in a US setting.
Stubbornly not taking my antidepressants in the morning, whether relenting later in the day or not. Venlafaxine, how I love thee and thy withdrawals.
Maybe move the apps into a work profile meanwhile.
What do you mean by that?
On Android, not sure if iOS has something similar. Install Shelter from F-droid to create a work profile and control whether the apps in work profile are active or not, install WhatsApp, Facebook etc. in the work profile, disable work profile. That way launching the app becomes a 2+ click process (enable work profile, launch app) that registers and can’t be done out of habit. Plus it adds some granular control to your systen, you could disable location, have a shorter/no contact list, or stricter VPN/NetGuard rules for the apps in the work profile so they have more limited access to track you.
connect this with shit pulled out the trash does no’t help us influence others.
…okay? One of the OP’s suggested points is literally
bring an old device back to life with Open Source software
And I would not do my first Linux installation on my main computer anyway. Except as dualboot, that would work for anyone who has the device and space. Or on a non-upgradeable device when Windows10 security updates end in October, but I guess those are “trash computers”.
I remember reading of a privacy-aware couple who were each others’ “backups” in case one lost access. Well, they lost their house in a fire, along with their personal backups, and their “backup person” couldn’t access their cloud backups either.
I’m an old-fashioned believer in the 3-2-1 -rule. Three copies of important data, two of them on different media, and one offsite. And make sure you can access all of them without the other two.
So like one password database on phone (even if it’s offline, like most password apps have); one on the computer (like you probably want for use too?), and one in the cloud without need of either device or anything onsite to unlock (in my case, I’ve set up Bitwarden emergency access to someone in another country, and have a second Yubikey with a more local friend).
You seem to be missing the entire PC OS side of things? “Bring an old device to life” could cover it, but people still use home computers too don’t they? And that would lead to experimenting with Lutris with whatever games the hardware supports, if the person is a gamer.
Would still do the first desktop Linux attempt on a secondary device though.
Edit: I’d also move “delete accounts” way further down. Sure it’s technically easy, but IMHO it should be done when you feel ready. Maybe divide into “go without for a day… a week… a month… 6 months… delete” or something.
Edit2: Maybe move the apps into a work profile meanwhile.
There is something wrong with religion, it’s a rejection of reality.
Few of us are 100% absurdists, most of us reject reality in some way. Let the religious have their delusion, and you’ll have yours (that decisions should be based on most reliable evidence on what would most advance the utilitarian goal, probably?), and I’ll have mine (the same, except when it might have really interesting consequences).
You’re talking to a Finn whose grandparents on both sides lost their homes to stalinist USSR. A sapling of a plant they brought with them grows in my yard. I’ve visited the locations and met the new inhabitants (normal people). Trust me, I know land loss sucks. War also sucks, and much as I hate realpolitik… sometimes there’s realpolitik. Of course in the end it’s up to the Ukrainians how long and for what they are willing to fight, with access to whatever aid (hopefully more) they have.
I think it has something to do with how freedom of speech is understood in Europe and USA. In Europe it’s more acceptable to think that one’s freedom of speech should not, in practice, mute someone else’s, by frightening them from speaking out, or by the majority drowning out their voice before it can be heard. And that protecting this is something worth taking action for.
Fingers crossed, that would make me very happy. Land loss hurts way less than decades of finlandization.
Would have to be a -very- quick process, every day of negotiations would be a massive danger to them, and based on how it went with Finland and Sweden I’m sceptical of that too. And of course US commitments to defend EU Nato members, based on political whims.
Pretty sure he’ll “negotiate” and likely push through a peace treaty where the new border is the combat line (in Ukraine, Russia loses nothing), and Ukraine is forced into neutrality (such a pretty word for always walking a metaphorical tightrope, have R interfere with your election/election results, not daring to voice your own opinions in the UN or otherwise on the global arena… and of course no trade deals with the EU).
And he’ll tout it as a massive victory and compromise, when actually R got everything they really wanted. If Ukraine doesn’t go along, then they become “stubborn, hateful warmongers” or the like.
Not a blanket ban no, but if they constantly break our laws then yes. And I’m perfectly ok with laws that some would decry as censorship (anti-hate-speech, fact-checking) or claim makes business impossible (strict interpretations of GDPR).
I’d fund several of my favourite smut stories with a plot (some of them do!) as NC-17 movies or series.
And just because someone will be curious: Daemon & Sunny, Eudeamon, knock knock, Once it gets dark.
Depends on how out of reach. Stocks exchanged in other, possibly hostile countries? (Edit: Right, needs that account to hold them that others are talking about, duh.) Property in other countries that allow it (eg. most of EU does afaik)?