Yeah! Just because a racist, fascist douchebag does a seig heil doesn’t mean you should tell obvious big mean old lies about him being a Nazi!
You tell those woke mind virus victims, Joe!
Yeah! Just because a racist, fascist douchebag does a seig heil doesn’t mean you should tell obvious big mean old lies about him being a Nazi!
You tell those woke mind virus victims, Joe!
He’s popular because of long-format, uncensored interviews with interesting people in en era of heavy media manipulation and short form propaganda. It’s not that hard to understand why he has a large audience. The amount of push back from people complaining about him “platforming” people they disagree with further adds to the appeal. People want free expression and exchange of ideas, not censorial hall monitors with holier-than-thou attitudes who think they know better than you.
The problem is meathead Joe Rogan lets his guests tell cool stories about their experiences to gain an audience, then proceeds to express the stupidest fucking thoughts imaginable to all those people from the gaping anus that serves as his mouth.
He’s the first person to say not to listen to him. I don’t have an issue with people expressing their opinions even if they’re as mean as this; usually folks are nicer about it when it’s in person and not online.
There seem to be lots of options for that these days. He’s not so unique anymore.
But he built up such a large audience.
I use to casually watch select episodes where the guest was someone cool or interesting. And the fringe topics could be fun.
But now… bleh. It’s all too self aware and shot with bullshit now.
Sure that’s fair. There is a lot of bullshit from a lot of places these days. You’ve gotta be able to filter it for yourself. You don’t have to agree with every position someone has on every single political issue.
That’s exactly what I use to do. I’ve never agreed with all his opinions. But it went from “we just have different perspectives” to “I can’t tolerate this nonsense, willful ignorance, etc, etc.”
He really changed. He went from a lunkhead you could assume had his heart in the right place, even if he said dumb ignorant shit, to someone who’s spreading toxic ideologies that “other” people and sow broad and deep distrust in our institutions. — It’s beyond musing about conspiracy theories and talking about “they.” Now it’s active agenda laden conspiracy proselytization.
My problem is he uncritically accepts bullshit gecause he has no idea. When he was ypunger he was more willing to change.