Talk about misinformation: Wired purposefully didn’t cite actual statement which was: “The biggest success after that terrible era in our history was to label Adolf Hitler as right and conservative. He was exactly the opposite. He wasn’t a conservative. He wasn’t a libertarian. He was a communist socialist guy,”
With the context it reads more like communist-like person, not literal communist.
But the context be damned, we hate Elon and Wired confirms our bias so we eat misinformation like it’s a gospel written by God himself
Communists were literally one of the first groups targeted for arrest when Hitler came to power in 1933. Like 10 seconds on google.
Elon does not read… or at least pay attention to what he reads.
He also apparently does not watch movies.
I think it’s very possible that he doesn’t actually believe this, but instead wishes that his fans, who are always so eager to kiss his ass do, since in the eyes of most people, Hitler was the most horrible person to ever exist, and if Hitler was a communist that’d mean that communists are horrible people.
On the other hand, Muskrat is so stupid that him honestly believing this isn’t impossible.
I think Elon believes whatever is most convenient for him to achieve his goals.
Fair. It’s not like
fascistsconservatives care about things like logic or truth anyway.
Eh, three arrows isn’t really a good source either. Being against Socialism/Communism (one of the arrows in the 3) is a big red flag for attacking claims of Nazis being Socialist. A much better source would be Blackshirts and Reds by Dr. Michael Parenti.
Here’s where the arrows come from. Figures that social democrats aren’t authoritarians and thus don’t like tankies which the KPD very much was. Calling them, at least at that time, “against socialism” is gross libel. (Technically the SPD still hasn’t abandoned socialism, at least when you look into their party programme, but new labour etc).
I guess a much bigger red flag is coming from a .ml instance and re-heating “social fascist” rhetoric against SocDems.
…can’t believe I’m actually defending the traitor party but it’s against tankies so meh.
I’m aware that the Three Arrows symbol originated from the Iron Front, I believe you are mistaken when you say Social Democracy is Socialist. Socialism is foundationally anticapitalist, Social Democrats wish to retain Capitalism and harness it to expand safety nets and social programs. This isn’t about “tankies” or whatever, Social Democrats are opposed to Socialism both historically and ideologically, hence the addition of the slash.
You called them a traitor party for good reason.
No, they don’t. From a Marxist perspective, they think that liberal-democratic capitalism is a better pre-stage to the abolishment of capitalism than Leninist state capitalism.
Our history is shaped by the idea of democratic socialism, a society of free and equal people where our core values are realized. It requires a structure in economy, state and society guaranteeing civil, political, social and economic basic rights for all people living a life without exploitation, suppression and violence, hence in social and human security.
The end of the soviet type state socialism did not disprove the idea of democratic socialism but it clearly confirmed the orientation of social democracy towards core values. In our understanding democratic socialism remains the vision of a free and fair society in solidarity. Its realization is a permanent task for us. The principle for our actions is social democracy.