March 14th, Pi day. I celebrate by baking a nice round pie and posting pictures along with it’s circumference, diameter, area, and radius.
To the VERY mild amusement of my friends and family.
Also Pi Approximation Day.
4/20. I often run into people who think 4/20 celebrations are a joke in the last few years. It might be a joke of a holiday, but the celebrations are still real.
International Talk Like a Pirate day (Sept 19)
Lief Erikson day (Sept 9)
Memorial for the Edmund Fitzgerald (Nov 10)
No Capes (Nov 15)
Mario day (Mar 10)
Pi day (Mar 14)
The Ides of March (Mar 15, et tu brute)
Elvis Presley’s birthday (Jan 8, Nixon’s is on the 9th)
Star Wars day (May 4)
Got to find things to look forward to so I mark the calendar with many things, some silly, some serious.
Look at this guy. He forgot the 5th of November.