Do egg prices decrease now?
I just bought eggs and the price nearly doubled since last week.
Fucking eggs are 8 dollars a dozen here. We don’t buy them now.
Strange, I thought he wanted to reduce prices. He wouldn’t lie, would he?
No, he wanted to “reduce spend”. You can either do that by negotiating better prices: good.
OR, you can just cut funding for medicare and social security entirely: horrible, what he said he was going to do, and what all the fucking morons who just decided to ignore his statements insisted he’d never do because it would “hurt the working class who supported him”.
If you’ve been living under a rock for the past year you can try to stomach the new site which pretty clearly states he wants to “lower costs for all Americans”, then goes on to dog whistle about fascist policies.
The annoying orange wants to reduce spending too, which is why he’s funding a brand new federal advisory board, DOGE. Satire is dead.
Retranslate the page. “All Americans” means only the Americans he can see within 50 feet of him, which shocker! Are all fascist billionaires. And himself.
Its almost like he’s letting Americans foot the bill so other countries can get cheap meds through government price regulation. Nice way to own the libs
I dont pay $5 for a med in my country simply because an American pays $460 for it. It doesn’t work like that.
We are in a global economy. If the medicine is produced by the same company, there is some connection there. I’m not saying its 1-1 correlated, but it is unlikely the prices are completely independent. Companies are constantly adjusting the prices of their services from location to location, and all the money ends up in the same pot at the end of the day.
Companies are trying to maximize their own profits. If they could charge international customers more, they would do so regardless of what Americans are paying. The relationship doesn’t exist.
I know it from experience that the several hundred dollar payments affect availability of some treatments in the EU. Why sell in the EU if you can scam US customers with it?
this makes absolutely zero sense. how does this benefit him or his people. bribery is the absolute only reason to do this.
Expecting the most well recorded liar in history to suddenly tell the truth is what doesn’t make sense.
I wonder how many of his loyal idiot voters noticed. They’ll probably somehow blame Democrats even though the GOP is
runningruining everything right now.I wonder how many conservatives reliant on prescription drugs are going to be able to connect the dots on this one.
Can you even connect dots if you don’t have multiple brain cells to connect?