I can’t seem to wrap my head around (Docker) containers and especially their maintenance.
As I understand it, containers contain a stripped-down OS that shares some resources with the host?
Or is it more like a closed-off part of the file system?
Anyway, when I have several containers running on a host system,
Do I need to keep them all updated separately? If so, how?
Or is it enough to update the host system, and not worry about the containers?
Love the container analogy - immediately made so much sense to me! Also clarifies some misunderstandings I had.
I was mucking about with docker for a Plex server over the weekend and couldn’t figure out what exactly docker was doing. All I knew was that it’d make plex ‘sandboxed’, but I then realised it also had access to stuff outside the container.
This is their logo:
The whole container on a ship idea is their entire premise. The ship (docker) is a unified application/os layer to the host, in that containers can work plug-n-play with the docker base layer.