Hasn’t he suffered enough. I mean, he’s driving a ‘gold cybertruck’
We’re all human
Why is he ok with people that don’t treat others as human, yet expects to be treated as human himself, then?
I think the easy answer is that people like that have a narrower definition of human.
I agree. Those people are twats.
He thinks his family isn’t safe in it… Yet he continues to drive it
You drive a rolling swastika and BLARING sign of historical wealth inequality that you’ve literally wrapped in gold - you deserve so much more fucking hate culminating in a brief rest of your heavy head that wears the crown on the guillotine. Tone deaf, fucking ghoul.
“It’s not just about what happened to me. It’s about everyone in this country. If you disagree, don’t retaliate. Don’t be violent. Don’t try to hurt your neighbor. We’re all human,”
I mean, if you believe that, my guy, you shouldn’t have bought the nazi truck. You also definitely should not have gotten a fucking gold one. You also ABSOLUTELY shouldn’t have driven it around in MASSACHUSETTS. I flip these fucks off when I see them here. I don’t agree with physically threatening them, but c’est la vie I guess.
I just love that someone is complaining about people being rude to him in a state with such rude, aggressive drivers that the term ‘Masshole’ was invented to describe them.
Be careful out there, flipping off other drivers is considered “road rage” in some places and can get you ticketed.
Plus, a thumbs down with a look of disgust is funnier!
Only if you do it outside the vehicle. This actually came up years ago when I took a motorcycle course. Since you’re always outside the vehicle I guess you can’t flick people off.
Orrr little light vandalism if you’re going to commit
I throw them one of these looks.
You’re only here for the ziplines
Bro, as a Massachusettsan born and raised if you dare touch my primary form of expression ya gonna get a hot cuppa dunkins in the face. That’d be like banning wicked sick donuts in a rotary.
This feels like such a thin reason to get a ticket if you ask me. A rude gesture is just a rude gesture. But… be careful out there! I feel safe enough to flip them off, but I encourage safer forms of heckling them, like pointing and laughing.
Also a chance you’ll catch one of those guys carrying in their cars - that’s their thing. No need to put yourself in the crosshairs for an unhinged person…
I point and laugh at the ones I see here in Seattle. You can do a pretty good show of it from a bike while passing them being stuck in traffic lol
No one was physically threatening him anyway.
I hope not. The article and video were a little vague on that. Some people apparently cut him off and got out of the car to flip him off, which is a bit much IMHO.
He claims…
Yeah, massholes aren’t nice to anyone unless they need it. You want someone to be kind to you in Boston? Get irresponsibly drunk and start crying on the bathroom floor otherwise they’re gonna tell you to shut the fuck up, fuck right on off, and get the fuck over it because they assume you can handle hearing it and may need to.
talk about excellent life choices
“I wish to buy something that tells everyone that I’m richer and better than them.”
“Waaaah! Everyone’s being mean to me because I’m telling everyone I’m richer and better than them!”
There’s only one reason to get a cybertruck, the one thing it is excellent at: grabbing attention.
Mission accomplished buddy.
Same with any sports car, come on
It’s not just about what happened to me. It’s about everyone in this country. If you disagree, don’t retaliate. Don’t be violent. Don’t try to hurt your neighbor.
That’s the entire point of this administration: retaliation. That’s why we’re here in the first place.
Man, if only we were hip to what an asshole musk was a month ago. His fans could have known that buying a cybertruck was going to get negative attention. But I guess there were no signs to warn us. And really, who drives cybertrucks more than single moms living paycheck to paycheck, day laborers, and other marginalized folks? We should just assume that anyone in a gold cyber truck had zero idea what they were doing, had no intention of being an edgy dbag, and only uses it to deliver fresh produce to the local food banks.
Oh? How does it feel? Turnabout is fair play.
Behold! The Golden Swasticar!
Wow. Even if Musk was still an OK guy and the cybertruck a decent car - a golden car simply points out the owners mental deficits.
I saw a fully hogh gloss chrome car the other day. No idea what make/model but it was a jarring sight and hard on the eyes due to reflecting the sun. I didn’t feel nearly as much disdain towards the driver as I do from the photo of a gold dumpster with windows.
Luckily, this is illegal in civilized countries.
Good keep it up guys
So trashy looking. I’m not surprised people make fun, but threats are also trashy.
GOLD Cybertruck…
“Look at me! Pay attention to me!”
“…oh no, not like that.”
While the Cybertruck is a screaming gold color, it’s for a reason. It’s a billboard for the medical spa the Syrian immigrant said he worked hard to build from the ground up three years ago.
“Look, it’s an ugly gold Cybertruck! Clearly I must go to this medical spa that I don’t know the name of or that it exists at all!”
Oh, so it’s even more offensive because it’s a goddamn advertisement?
Edit: and a fucking tax dodge, to boot!
It’s just digging this entitled fuckwad’s hole even deeper.
There’s no billboard on the car in the article. There’s likely a small sticker somewhere. This is a common practice by business owners so they can file their personal vehicle as a business expense and dodge some of their tax liability. Frankly it’s a pretty shitty practice.
The billboard is on the back, complete with QR code. LOL.
It’s common to buy whatever the new eye catching vehicle is and wrap it for a business, we saw it when the new VW Bug was introduced, and again with the PT Cruiser, but for a cybertruck, he should have looked at WHY it was eyecatching… like a fish hook.
I like that you got a couple downvotes, I guess for calling a large text URL that spans the entire tailgate width and a giant fuckin QR code and the logo for the foundation a billboard? Like it’s not as flashy as a lot of advert wraps but it’s plainly visible from a decent distance, and it’s on a gold cybertruck so I guess it is flashy. I wonder what the opposition to you calling it a billboard is
Maybe they wanted the picture? 🤔
Which it’s not letting me upload… pics here…
Somehow this, and I didn’t know how this is possible, makes me feel even less sympathy for him than I did before seeing it.
Ah, so he deserves it, then
If you disagree, don’t retaliate. Don’t be violent. Don’t try to hurt your neighbor.
If that’s what you believe, maybe don’t drive a symbol that is the opposite of these?