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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 27th, 2023


  • … and yet… it lacks clear and enforced type restrictions which help with clear code contracts. It’s certainly better than Javascript but the lack of runtime enforced type checking can force defensive programming in an unnecessary manner.

    Your statement isn’t strict type checking. It’s a restricted form of type coercion. Given how common this feature is in other languages it’s weird that pythonistas feel so defensive when discussing the feature. I enjoy strict type checking, but that’s my opinion - it makes it a poor choice for the sorts of projects I work on but if it’s good for you then enjoy!

  • Honestly? Because we have blogs (and RSS kinda counts as a platform if you squint).

    If you’re tech/freedom minded and want to share your thoughts you’re probably just running a blog and following the blogs of other people you find interesting.

    The only thing you miss out on with just using blogs is a content prioritization algorithm… but, tbh, are there that many things you actually give a shit about that you’d get overwhelmed and want to ignore some of it? Or did Facebook & other social media stuff just build platforms that constantly shovel random shit at users that requires such an algorithm.

    So yea, probably just blogs… optionally collected into an RSS reader.