They call negotiations a thing. It’s as if someone is saying the opposite! today, the foreign ministry of the islamic republic of iran, a member of the security ministry, talks with the world and makes contracts with other countries. Any country is accepted except usa and israel, The Zionist regime, because it is not an state. Its a gang of criminals.
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Because he’s an asshole theocrat who maintains an oppressive state which subjugates women. Why shouldn’t he be despised? Just because he hates other horrible things doesn’t make him not horrible.
You have to come to iran And then all of his acts will make sense And he didnt subjugate any women He only made them wear hijab Which is recently getting stopped And the hijab rule is getting removed So i think currently iran’s gov is the best in the world Also the porn intake in iran is incredibly high And boys and girls always make sexual jokes with eachother in highschools So it just makes sense
That’s the literal definition of subjugation…
Sujugation is making porn on women Forcing homeless women to become pornstars And not punishing men who do sexual jokes with women In iran women are respected no one can even touch them if you make a simple sexual joke with them you will end up in jail Its not like usa which men go around and slap backs of women and nothing will happen to those assholes
You’re fuckin’ crazy.
I do not have to come to Iran because a government based on religion never makes sense. And defending it is sick.
Its not religious at all my friend Thats just a cover to stop people from doing wrong things Forexample i do wear girlish clothes in iran and no one from gov really harasses me But people really do They look at me like they want to touch me And they joke with me about ugly stuff And they even touch me sometimes So from my experience this iran gov is totally ok
He’s literally a religious leader and makes religious proclamations. Why are you lying about that?
Im not lying my friend Its against religion to wear girlish clothes When you are a man But i did it again and again But they never harass me at all
You are now arguing that he isn’t a religious ruler, he’s just enforcing religious rules.
And I am not the friend of anyone who defends theocrats.
He might be a little religious but not in a bad way Because he respects peoples rights For example he is okay with men and women loving eachother As long as you dont spread it
“Spread it?” You think being queer is a disease, don’t you? That explains a lot.
As long as the clothes are not inappropriate and not manipulating and not revealing they wont harass anyone
My friend he DOESNT subjugate women He only makes them wear hijab And it makes sense because i live in iran And in iran men are sexually wild They raped me three times in this country And they wont even leave cats alone You just have to come to iran and see how men look at you Its like they want to rape you So it makes sense to protect women
If you were raped three times, and I am very sorry that happened to you, it sounds like these draconian measures your leader is taking are completely ineffective. So I’m not sure why you’re defending him.
But he is doing his best and that makes me happy
If his best was unable to prevent you from getting raped three times, it sounds like you need someone who’s best doesn’t allow that to happen. Because that does not happen in most countries.
But you just have to see it for yourself For example instagram is really popular in iran And you can just go there and see Everyone is insulting palestinian people Defending israel and insulting this old man Everyone in our country opposes him And i can say for sure that most of them are supporters of zionist regime Just take a look in instagram you will understand what i am talking about
I don’t have to see it for myself. You literally told me you were raped three times while under his rule. That does not happen in most other countries. It certainly doesn’t happen in countries with effective leadership.
Its NOT because of his rule Oh why should i repeat my self !
Sorry, you’ve already revealed your true colors by claiming you can spread homosexuality like it’s a disease.
So… locking up the rapists wasn’t an option? A statewide educational campaign against rape was impossible?
Are Iranian men just born different from other men, or is there something in the culture that could be addressed?
Its because of community of iran’s men which are obssessed with usa gov and israel Zionists have got their greatest allies in here (in iran) And well they arent born differently Its because of the soft war which usa started against iran long time ago
Zionists always talk bad about people who oppose them So instead of getting stray Lets be organized and support eachother
That’s a lot of hand waving just to say “Iranian men are rapists because America”. It wasn’t Zionists calling them habitual rapists, it was you. Zionism is bad, but take some personal responsibility brother.
Why do women take responsibility for the actions of men?
Its not actions of men They are just protecting themselves from sexually addicted men
Then it’s clearly the men being so problematic and being so addicted that they have to rape women
But my friend its impossible to stop mens sickness So since women and men should help eachother That is indeed the best way to do it