Why YSK: There is a lot of cortisol going on right now. A lot of people are stressed, angry, and afraid. Those emotions all deserve to be felt, but over time, cortisol becomes neurotoxic (inflicting permanent damage on the hippocampus).
Oxytocin (responsible for feelings of love, attraction, affection, etc) is a perfect foil to cortisol. If you notice yourself feeling angry or afraid for an amount of time that bothers you, adding some oxytocin to the situation might be helpful.
Luckily for us, our biology makes oxytocin pretty easy to come across. Different activities work better for different people, but cuddling with a pet or loved one, watching cute cat videos, or having sex work for a lot of people.
Here are a few interesting sources for further reading, if you are curious.
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33632072/ https://www.nature.com/articles/srep30187 https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC5619133/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33632072/
cuddling with a loved one, having sex
Why do I feel attacked. I’m guessing you want me to start eating healthy too. Unrealistic.
I consider jerking off sex with a loved one.
On one hand I see what you’re saying, on the other hand…
Try switching hands
And sit on it for a bit
“I call it ‘The Stranger’.”
Is this loss?
I’m surprised I haven’t seen an Evangelion version of Loss
(I know you’re referencing “the hand” scene, but this meme is too good to let go to waste)
More like a hate-fuck lol.
Endorphins are endorphins!
I just started cooking for myself. Began simply with pizza from scratch. Dough and sauce are both easy to make from raw ingredients, and the result is far better than frozen or delivery.
Next OP want us to exercise.
Ride a bike! Skate! Scoot!
Already subbed! Thank you (and also haha_ohh_wow) for always contributing to this community
You haven’t experienced happiness until you’ve cuddled the homies.
Read the title as Oxycontin and was like “damn, slow down Lemmy”
Gonna be a really rough political cycle.
having sex work for a lot of people
Having enough sex work for the people is important
What in the four humors?
This is not how human brains work. It’s a wild oversimplification of one of the most complex hunks of meat on the planet, to the point of silliness.
Meh. We know cortisol is bad, OP is suggesting ways to lower cortisol levels. I’m not sure why your immediate reaction is so inflammatory, pun intended, but maybe your complex hunk of meat should take OPs advice and chill out.
What in the four humors?
Daddy owners set up a system that causes a lot of stress while limiting personal ability to obtain positive experiences.
Destressing and enjoying your life is a huge fuck you to these parasites. A happy person won’t doom spend.
It is a sad world when only some people are able to enjoy this higher quality of life.
Misreading the first word as “Diddy” was absolutely WILD for a moment, holy