The White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) rescinded a memo Wednesday that had ordered a “temporary pause” on federal funding and unleashed major confusion across the country.
Why it matters: It’s an astonishing reversal by the Trump administration, a day after top officials defended the funding freeze — which a judge temporarily halted on Tuesday — as necessary to ensure all government spending was aligned with the president’s vision.
Let’s keep that same energy for the midterms
There was similar energy in the mid terms after RvW was overturned, but it seemed to have dried up by the time of the election. I’m always hopeful, but it’s not a bet I would take.
The economy is going to crash and burn like a crack-ho driving a Pontiac Sunfire when he “saves it” via tariffs, and grocery aisles are going to be empty of produce because they deport and scare the workforce that picks it.
Be prepared for him to declare martial law just after the midterms because it’s going to be an epic loss.
“Yeah, so we’re going to hold off on elections because we’re declaring a state of emergency and we’ll let you know when that state of emergency is over.”
Absolutely guarantee they’ll try it.
It’ll piss Americans off and we’ll get a Democrat back in office, then 4 years later we’ll have completely forgotten Republican’s traitorous actions and re-elect them.
I think this is still optimistic, even considering how much harm this would inevitably cause. I think they’re going to get around transferring power somehow
They’re not letting go of the power to destroy the United States. November was the last semi-legitmate election we will ever have.
Never, ever place any bets on the intelligence of the American electorate.
Well, unless you’re betting against it.