I’ve seen multiple videos of people walking around interviewing people that voted for him and asking why. Lots of them stated that Biden arming Israel against Gaza was a major concern for them. None of the interviewers dug into what they hoped would change but it was clear they expected Trump to improve the situation for the people of Gaza. Now I’ve got no idea why they thought that - I certainly never saw anything to make me think that - but lots of people seemed have got that message.
It’s not just that he’s much worse it’s that some people somehow expected him to be better?!?
I don’t think anyone realistically thought he’d be “better”, unless you count the scum who consider “More dying” to be “better”.
I’ve seen multiple videos of people walking around interviewing people that voted for him and asking why. Lots of them stated that Biden arming Israel against Gaza was a major concern for them. None of the interviewers dug into what they hoped would change but it was clear they expected Trump to improve the situation for the people of Gaza. Now I’ve got no idea why they thought that - I certainly never saw anything to make me think that - but lots of people seemed have got that message.
nice anecdote, it decisively proves the argument
Isn’t there a word for a repeatable anecdote?