• givesomefucks@lemmy.world
    10 hours ago

    When trump filmed the “you’re fired” speeches on his TV show where he insulted and degraded contestants by reading off a teleprompter…

    That contestant wasn’t even in the room.

    They filmed trump staring down a teleprompter like it was the person then just edited reactions in.

    He’s a coward, and couldn’t handle doing it to their faces. But he desperately wants to look strong so he isn’t picked on.

    I’ve always imagined his upbringing was like Sterling Archer’s time in birding school. In a place where everyone had rich daddies and born to privilege, he’d have had to get by on his personality, so he was likely everyone else’s punching bag.

    It’s why he’s always sucking off dictators and abusing our allies. Hes trying to show the bullies that he’s one of them and not a victim. It’s explains a lot of conservative’s thinking and explains why they support him, on a base level they really do understand each other. They’re all trying to hurt the weak to convince the bullies that they’re not a victim.

    Like fucking Stockholm Syndrome.

    They’re not gonna just snap out of this on their own no matter how much it hurts them.