Cross-posted from “US threatens permanent visa bans on trans athletes based on sex markers” by @[email protected] in [email protected]

The US state department has ordered officials worldwide to deny visas to transgender athletes attempting to come to the US for sports competitions and to issue permanent visa bans against those who are deemed to misrepresent their birth sex on visa applications.

The 24 February state department cable obtained by the Guardian instructs visa officers to apply Immigration and Nationality Act section 212(a)(6)©(i) – the “permanent fraud bar” – against trans applicants. Unlike regular visa denials, this section triggers lifetime exclusion from the United States with limited waiver possibilities.

“In cases where applicants are suspected of misrepresenting their purpose of travel or sex, you should consider whether this misrepresentation is material such that it supports an ineligibility finding,” reads the directive from the US secretary of state, Marco Rubio.


    6 days ago

    So this also bans all intersex people who don’t fit into their version of XX or XY phenotypes. Those who are XY genetically, have 5-alpha reductase deficiency during development, who are born and registered F based on external genital appearance, only to develop fully functional male genitalia and secondary sec characteristics at puberty once their testosterone levels increase. Or who are androgen insensitive and appear F externally, but are XY and can’t develop male sex phenotypes because they aren’t sensitive to the hormones that masculinize sex characteristics, thus they test positive for male hormones that they can’t even respond to. Or XY people who fail to develop functional male gonads, and thus retain F external genitalia.

      6 days ago

      As far as they care, they just want to reduce the chance that they find someone attractive and then find out that person has a penis. They don’t care who they have to hurt so that they don’t have to risk potentially in the future feeling one second of mild discomfort.