You’re gonna regret asking me to post more but… your wish is my command! 🪄
I’m not sure that “got yelled at” is a great metric. On L.W., it probably depends on the community a bit but it’s not likely they’re getting yelled at by a mod, or having their post/comment deleted, right? No one’s going to ban their account there.
In terms of users – except for the bad places – everywhere is “here.” You can block people that are being exceptionally dickish too.
And, real talk, you can say “it’s a beautiful day today” and there’ll be two dildos that downvote you and maybe someone that’s like “not everywhere!!!” Don’t let it get ya down.
Bummer. Played it. Liked it. Grab it on sale, I bet you’ll like it too.
Most of the intense (non-Nazi) criticism seems to come from people who didn’t play it.
Scaled takes smaller communities into account and bumps their posts up so they don’t get buried by posts from larger communities with more engagement.
Edit: here are the descriptions:
Active (default): Calculates a rank based on the score and time of the latest comment, with decay over time.
Hot: Like active, but uses time when the post was published.
Scaled: Like hot, but gives a boost to less active communities
Scaled was a game-changer for me.
I use scaled on web. Voyager can remember your sorts for different communities. I typically to use new for smaller communities and scaled for larger ones and the home feed.
Oh yeah, I can see how it could feel slow. 3000 active users vs. 160,000 on
Well, hope the global feed situation gets sorted out for you one way or another!
Are you on a smaller server? The local feeds of the larger ones are crazy right now.
The other apps all support the global feed. The web-ui does too. The Android app is not great right now so I’ve been using Pixelix. The global feed’s pretty useless though, IMO. You kind of get buried in Mastodon people “quoting” with images of text. They really need a Pixelfed-Global feed because it’s pretty damn hard to discover people on other Pixelfed servers right now.
Twitter. With a little google drive thrown into the mix. Plus simple custom algorithmic feeds. And some kooky animation stuff.
It’s a couple bucks in the Play store or free on F-Droid.
Have you tried it? It’s in open beta. The app is already really good. I don’t think it’s ready for the friends and fam yet but it’s worth checking out.
Pixelfed does?
It’s just in early development and hasn’t federated yet.
It’s a separate thing from Pixelfed though. Just developed by the same guy.
I think that there’s a lot more on PeerTube than it seems because discoverability is so terrible. I can’t confirm that, though, because I can’t find any of it.
Maybe something like FediSearch will make it more useful?
It’s big in Japan. Most of the servers are Japanese.
By registered accounts:
Please be Bigfoot Please be Bigfoot Please be Bigfoot Please be Bigfoot
Just $500 from their funding goal! 🎉
Edit: goal met!
Ummmm… we’ll take the tariffs. Some offense, Americans. (jk love you guys)