DJT and RFK should visit the stricken area and skae a bunch of hands to show their support. They definitely shouldn’t get a vaccine booster before they go.
Hey, if some kids need to be seriously ill and some fetuses lost then that is the price we pay for freedom! Now where is my gun?..
Old: “Measels”
New: “Republican Freckles”
I have to remember that one, perfectly encompasses what this is
Haha I like that
Measles don’t care who you voted for or what your gender is.
While this is true, not vaccinating is something more often found in conservative populations. And this problem is 100% caused by people who refused the vaccination that could have saved them.
Also goes hand in hand with cooky pseudoscience as well.
To be fair, you’ll find anti-vax far left as well. Think hippies and new age types.
Think hippies and new age types.
That was really true in the 70’s and 80’s. Live natural, Natural wood toys, yada yada.
The left side of that group (pacifists) is in geriatrics now and the straight up ‘naturalists’ have become aligned right wing.
But both sides! Anti-vax is like40-50% of the right and some fraction of 1% of the left
I was living in a rural area, many left and right, and honestly both sides have similar amounts of conspiracy theories including anti-vax. I assumed it was mostly right sided until I ran into many examples myself.
According to Gallup, 40% of Republicans “don’t plan” to get vaccinated… just 3% of Democrats.
Antivax sentiments exist on both sides they are very niche on the left and very strong on the right.
Ok, well I believe my own life experience more than the opinion of some anonymous person online. But you believe whatever you want.
I linked to an actual survey of a statistically valid sample of folks. The rebuttable presumption is that that is an accurate assessment of the overall population. It’s an actually scientific assessment, Against this your “life experience” is basically your vague notion that both things exist and although you can’t possibly actually count them therefore they must somehow somewhat be equal because they appear equal in magnitude. This is like holding up your hand and noting that it covers your view of the Eiffel Tower and concluding without measuring or even thinking about how to measure that your hand and the tower are equal in size whilst totally ignoring that you could trivially take out a ruler and look up the size of the tower on Wikipedia.
That is true. They are very conservative and self centered in their own way. They just use different words.
Oh, good. Three hours in crowded tourist attractions on a Saturday afternoon, and six hours in bars and restaurants on Friday and Saturday nights. Plus eight hours touring campuses just a couple weeks before spring “super-spreader” break - with a disease who’s characteristic rash turns up around Day 14. This can only end well …
Just as God intended.
Why is Texas, so Texan?
If only something could have been some way to prevent this…ow well I guess it’s in gods hands now
Tots/pears. And soon only pears
Only 1-3 in 1000 die. It can go up to 3-10% for developing country conditions.
It can go up to 3-10% for developing country conditions.
So, Texas.
“Without vaccination, there would be 400,000 hospitalizations costing >$3 billion USD and >1,800 deaths annually”
1 in 4 require hospitalization, according to the article. Somewhat surprised that hasn’t been scrubbed. And it’s entirely preventable.
I just had a heartless thought that I sort of have mixed emotions about.
If the warranty on my car can be cancelled because I never do preventative maintenance, why does my insurance premium keep going up to defray the cost of people who won’t engage in preventative medicine?
Pfft. NLM what do they now. But of doctors and scientists with their life long plan to cause measles. My musk feed says this is all fake news and vaccines cause the gays.
/s just in case
Oh shit.
Is measles the kind of vaccine you need boosters for? I got the usual growing up but if the plague rats are spreading it I’d like to stay safe…
Ask your doctor to perform a titer. That will check whether or not you still have antibodies against it. If no, you need a booster.
Yes. Adults need measles boosters
You probably should get an MMR booster, yes. Check DTP as well.
If I was religious, I probably wouldn’t be too far from thinking that a biblical plague hitting the country every time The Führer was elected was some kind of sign…
Don’t give them ideas.
Oh yeah, and they do… Just that their sign probably says something like that it’s not going fast enough, it’s not harsh enough, it’s not violent enough, we need more immigrants put and less gays, people!
Something like that
“One Nation under God.”
Fucking LOL
Eh… that got added in the 50’s to differentiate us from those godless commies.
And how did that work out?
Fucking LOL
Well… it would seem those same godless commies weren’t ACTUALLY communists. So now we don’t know WHAT to think! Fortunately, there seems to be a real lack of thinking in our “under God” nation anyhow… so, we got that!
It’s almost like the vast majority of the country has been mushroom managed (kept in the dark and fed shit) since it’s inception.
There’s a good reason the dept of education has been assailed by all comers since forever. Privatisation and politicisation of the education of the people; make good, stupid little drones for the corporate machine, either in a cubicle or on a battlefield.
Those that refuse to conform, or are politically “undesirable” are run through the prison slavery pipeline instead.
I sound like a conspiracy theory nutter, but this timeline is so utterly fucked, that it’s the truth. How batshit mental is that?
I’m sure the secretary of health will immediately help.
Slap some elderberry on those freckles!
I can’t wait to hear what the guidance will be on this, likely some form of victim-blaming MAGArs for not being anti-vax enough and eventually devolving into a witchhunt for “fake conservatives” that still drink pasteurized milk 😂
A very plausible outcome! I’m guessing the cost of methylene Blue is going to rise.
Holy crap. I used to use Methylene Blue in my fish tanks as an anti fungal. Of course this brain worm is drinking it.
The poor kids that have no choice are the ones suffering here, not the asshole parents.
Let’s keep that in mind.
I had it and as a child I had a few days I wanted to die for some mental relief.
Its pure torture.
So from the context of places visited, this is an unvaccinated (prospective) college student from the area that’s currently experiencing an outbreak? I bet they were looking forward to finally leaving small town Texas and then this happens to them.
Republicans should start having measles parties while drinking raw milk.
They’ll blame it on fluoridation.
End result the same, dead republicans!
While spiking the milk with Invermectine.