The largest measles outbreak in decades has reached San Antonio and San Marcos. Officials say an individual who tested positive for the virus in West Texas traveled to two major universities and one of the nation's busiest tourist attractions — the San Antonio River Walk.
I was living in a rural area, many left and right, and honestly both sides have similar amounts of conspiracy theories including anti-vax. I assumed it was mostly right sided until I ran into many examples myself.
I linked to an actual survey of a statistically valid sample of folks. The rebuttable presumption is that that is an accurate assessment of the overall population. It’s an actually scientific assessment, Against this your “life experience” is basically your vague notion that both things exist and although you can’t possibly actually count them therefore they must somehow somewhat be equal because they appear equal in magnitude. This is like holding up your hand and noting that it covers your view of the Eiffel Tower and concluding without measuring or even thinking about how to measure that your hand and the tower are equal in size whilst totally ignoring that you could trivially take out a ruler and look up the size of the tower on Wikipedia.
I was living in a rural area, many left and right, and honestly both sides have similar amounts of conspiracy theories including anti-vax. I assumed it was mostly right sided until I ran into many examples myself.
According to Gallup, 40% of Republicans “don’t plan” to get vaccinated… just 3% of Democrats.
Antivax sentiments exist on both sides they are very niche on the left and very strong on the right.
Ok, well I believe my own life experience more than the opinion of some anonymous person online. But you believe whatever you want.
I linked to an actual survey of a statistically valid sample of folks. The rebuttable presumption is that that is an accurate assessment of the overall population. It’s an actually scientific assessment, Against this your “life experience” is basically your vague notion that both things exist and although you can’t possibly actually count them therefore they must somehow somewhat be equal because they appear equal in magnitude. This is like holding up your hand and noting that it covers your view of the Eiffel Tower and concluding without measuring or even thinking about how to measure that your hand and the tower are equal in size whilst totally ignoring that you could trivially take out a ruler and look up the size of the tower on Wikipedia.
A survey is valid, and life experience is a vague notion. Well, enjoy your journey through life, seemed like you have it all figured out.