Yeah, that should’ve been the real red flag.
Yeah, that should’ve been the real red flag.
Yeah, I meant in the sense that Facebook and Google had also implemented it so you could just talk to anyone with any client.
The 2 guys that tried were actually his own supporters. When he starts actually effecting things and pissing them off, it’s going to get ugly.
Good thing Democrats voted for that every step of the way, despite people telling them what this was going to lead to.
Yep, remember when XMPP was a thing so you could chat with anyone no matter the platform?
Imagine what else they’ve been lying about.
One of the common anti-Semitic tropes is equating Jews with the state of Israel, something the ADL routinely does.
Someone should really convince him to legalise all drugs to stick it to the cartels.
Back then he thought Bitcoin was bad and a scam. This time someone showed him how to make money by creating a scam coin and doing a pump and dump, so now he’s pro Bitcoin. So pro he’ll get rid of all regulation so pump and dump scams are completely legal.
It tracks with everything else. He also bought Tesla in order to become a ‘founder’.
Yep, he’s got all the big social networks under his control now, basically. Tie that to the cowardice of the mainstream media, and he’s got an opportunity to manufacture consent on pretty much anything he wants. And Democrats helped him do it because they didn’t want to be criticised over Gaza on tiktok.
Yeah, who the fuck wants to deal with discs and shit like that? I moved to all digital before you could legally do it for basically all my media. It takes physical space and why the hell would you put up with switching discs and stuff? Just make sure you have enough storage for your shit and done.