If you have any Mexican markets near you, you can probably buy dried chilis by the pound. Grind them up in a spice grinder and you have next level chili powder. Much more subtle than the pre-made blends, and really delicious.
I looked in my spice cabinet tonight and it looks like we have finished all of them. I usually grab any non-McCormick taco seasoning at Costco when I need some.
Even if you buy your own there are a lot of good ones out there.
What are some of the good ones?
I’d like to give them a try.
If you have any Mexican markets near you, you can probably buy dried chilis by the pound. Grind them up in a spice grinder and you have next level chili powder. Much more subtle than the pre-made blends, and really delicious.
I’ve been told that’s too fancy for the dullsters.
I told the one that told me that it takes fifteen minutes and a mortar and pestle so not fancy at all.
It’s the same one I use for my coffee? Isn’t coffee dull?
I looked in my spice cabinet tonight and it looks like we have finished all of them. I usually grab any non-McCormick taco seasoning at Costco when I need some.
Most of the stores in my area carry Old El Paso and it doesn’t do anything for me.
For dullsters El Paso is a okay.
I don’t know it takes fifteen minutes to toast and grind some spices and then it really shines.
All you need is a mortar and pestle.
That sounds really fancy and not dull at all.
Well, that’s just, like, your opinion, man…