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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: February 15th, 2024


  • So, for US Federal Court, there’s basically three levels: District (trial), Circuit (appeals), and Supreme Court (…of the United States, aka “SCOTUS,” a second level appeals court and the final arbiter of federal constitutional questions). This was a lawsuit filed in a District court in Washington state. As everybody gets their pleadings in order, they will move towards a trial. The loser will appeal, and then appeal again.

    HOWEVER, in a case like this, which seems to be a huge departure from existing constitutional precedent, and which could seriously fuck over the affected kiddos born after February 19, a trial court judge is within their power to issue a temporary injunction, which basically says, “hold up y’all, this would be crazy, and unless you just wow us with legal brilliance (or SCOTUS fucks us over) it’s probably going away, and in the meantime we’ve all been doing okay with the previous interpretation, so the change is on ice until we get this sorted.” It is inherently temporary because nothing’s been actually argued or analyzed and decided.

    Of course, now THAT will get appealed, because you can appeal stuff other than final decisions, particularly when by their nature they’re stuff that needs to apply either to everybody in the country or to no one (versus, like, telling Company A to hold off on selling a piece of land) and that’s what SCOTUS will probably rule on well before the actual merits, though in this case it’s all of a piece and therefore we’ll get a huge hint as to how they’re leaning if they overturn the injunction. Letting it stand would imply they agree with the district judge or at least that a couple of justices haven’t made up their minds.

    People get very emotional about this stuff because the issues ARE emotional and I find it despicable that this is where we are, but the process is gonna process, and nothing final will have happened this quickly.

  • Mine is related to my name but is not my name. I’ve been using it so long and in so many places that I decided I need a pronunciation and decided on “wudgerie,” which is also not my name. Anyone who knows me IRL could figure out who I am without much trouble, and a dedicated investigator could probably dig it up (that’s NOT a challenge, BTW 🤣) with a pretty high level of confidence without breaking a sweat, but (1) I allow for that in what I say online, and (2) I kind of like having an online persona that is mostly just the real me with a bit of anonymity. Keeps me grounded and reminds me that all you assholes are real people too (except you, @[email protected]… or you, Georgia Bulldog fans).

  • I had to look this up. The plane crashed into a concrete barrier that was installed to lift the “localizers,” lightweight radio beacons on sticks that help pilots navigate the airport. Normally they have to be completely “frangible,” meaning that a plane would barrel right through them with no problem.

    The issue here was that the ground was a bit low so they had to be raised up high enough to get a proper signal, and these were 10 meters outside the 240 meter safety zone where everything had to be frangible. I assume 240 was chosen for some reason, and I hope to hell it wasn’t just to save money by avoiding a retrofit somewhere, but either way this looks like a classic case of “regulations are written in blood.”