Yeah sure “murder hornets”. Like “murder japs”, “murder communists”, “murder vietnamese”, “murder gays”, “murder blacks” or “murder arabs” before. I think I’ll hold off celebrating until I know how much oil those hornets had in stock.
Yeah sure “murder hornets”. Like “murder japs”, “murder communists”, “murder vietnamese”, “murder gays”, “murder blacks” or “murder arabs” before. I think I’ll hold off celebrating until I know how much oil those hornets had in stock.
That was a joke about USA assigning threatening labels to anything it threatens or exploits to make public afraid of it instead of being supportive of it. As most jokes, it based on the subversion of expectations, which in this case was the suggestion that hornets are good and misunderstood. Comparing them and what they’re doing to bees to gay or black people was intended as a sprinkle of dark humor, implying their (hornets!) destructive nature finds parrarels with the multitude of oppressed kinds of people.
Way to tell me I’m unfunny and my sense of humor sucks, man (jk)