would the bomb also kill javascript and C++ or would I have to keep throwing trolleys at it until I get both silicon valley and the JS/C++ devs?
would the bomb also kill javascript and C++ or would I have to keep throwing trolleys at it until I get both silicon valley and the JS/C++ devs?
if i had money to pay for a VPN i’d just use something like real debrid. and if my ISP is middlemanning my https certs then a VPN probably isn’t going to help much.
Because my ISP gets mad about torrents, I don’t usually rewatch things, I don’t have to wait for the download to finish, I can do it on my tablet, and I don’t want to deal with cleaning up old video files every time I need to make room for the next 100+GB game install.
They’re exploiting vulnerabilities and back doors not brute forcing your passcode. The only way you’re keeping them out is with hardware encryption which the iPhone has and probably why it’s the only one not vulnerable. Hardware encryption also won’t matter if your vendor shares their keys with law enforcement. As far as I’m aware, Apple is the only one that’s gone to court and successfully defended their right to refuse access to encryption keys.
Don’t put anything incriminating on your phones.
win win win