I have a 1955 GE wall oven in my home I use. My oven’s heating element was pretty trivial to replace and was about 20$ on Amazon. I also have a mechanical timer and the oven is bright pink.
I have a 1955 GE wall oven in my home I use. My oven’s heating element was pretty trivial to replace and was about 20$ on Amazon. I also have a mechanical timer and the oven is bright pink.
Had some really good friends that were adamant that the war on Gaza was just war. They were good examples of Progressive Except Palestine (PEP). It became pretty hard to continue the friendship knowing they were okay with killing people as long as it was brown people.
Yes, mine was a faston type terminal that was pretty simple to insert. Then 2 screws to hold it in place. Mine was 18.5" x 19.5" and the socket was low down with the heating element.