There’s something similar much older than that:
There’s something similar much older than that:
Linguistically, I want neither English but Chinese, but an auxiliary language to be the lingua franca. I already know Esperanto, so this would be a good candidate as far as I’m concerned. There’s no way I’m learning Chinese.
I want to see as much nonfree closed source software replaced by FOSS as possible, no matter who makes it.
The others (pop culture, companies) wouldn’t bother me much at all. But I don’t think Christmas would stop being popular at least in Europe.
I switched to “new comments” a while ago and have no desire to go back to anything else.
The concept you’re looking for is that moderation is different from censorship.
If the links in the article are accurate, this doesn’t seem to be a “law”, but this thing:
Anyone know more about it than I could quickly find? Is this in any way legally enforceable?
Obviously, I believe that governments have no legitimate business whatsoever telling us on the Internet what we can talk about, say to each other, etc.; but I would still like to know more about this particular attempt by the EU to do so anyway, so would appreciate more information.
The birthright citizenship one is the main one that comes to mind. I do not think all of them are, that would be stretching things.