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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I read a mini rant from someone here recently about how software shops all fired their elder mentor employees because they didn’t close enough tickets, and spent all their time growing others’ skills. Similar theme.

    But there is one problem here. When people possess a rare skill, they often don’t want to pass it on to anyone else. Keeping the skill rare is how you keep it valuable. And young employees who acquire a skill somewhere will immediately put it on the open market to maximize their pay. So employers are reluctant to invest big in their training.

    Is it the right thing for the world to have apprenticeships? Sure. Is it the right thing for employers to invest in them? Yes, but they don’t because they are short sighted but also because they know that skills are portable and employees have no loyalty. Is it the right thing for veterans with a certain skill to pass it on? Dubious, unless they have some guarantee that the apprentice will support them somehow in exchange.

    Basically everyone acts in their self interest against the interests of the whole. And it’s not just employers doing so. It’s us too.

  • Again, you’re twisting the words.

    He said “we’re still waiting” and you’ve twisted that into “any day now.” As if still waiting for something to materialize is the same thing as being certain it will.

    Hype always precedes reality. That’s the nature of hype. If someone says hype is nice but we’re still waiting to see it become reality that is not blind faith in the hype. The complete opposite. It’s restraint.

    Anyway. People get some kind of emotional catharsis from hating AI and shitting on CEOs so I think a fair reading of this is just going to go out the window at any opportunity. I won’t spend any more energy trying to contain that.

  • If it seems odd for him to suddenly say that all this AI stuff is bullshit, that’s because he didn’t. He said it hasn’t boosted the world economy on the order of the Industrial revolution - yet. There is so much hype around this, and he’s on the line to deliver actual results. So it’s smart for him to take a little air out of the hype ballon. But the article headline is a total misrepresentation of what he said. He said we are still waiting for the hype to become reality, in the form of something obvious and impossible to miss, like the world economy shooting up 10% across the board. That’s very very different from “no value.”

  • How is that a qualification on anything they said? If our knowledge of protein folding has gone up by multiples, then it has gone up by multiples, regardless of whatever funding shenanigans Trump is pulling or what effects those might eventually have. None of that detracts from the value that has already been delivered, so I don’t see how they are “forgetting” anything. At best, it’s a circumstance that may play in economically but doesn’t say anything about AI’s intrinsic value.

  • I think you’re starting with the position that Naziism is a poisonous nonstarter, and wondering why anyone would attach themselves to that.

    But that’s not where they are starting from. I earnestly believe that some major revisionism is happening. People are taking another look at the Nazis and finding they like what they see.

    Of course, it’s falling into the whole complex of “Nazis aren’t so bad - you were just told that by your woke liberal school propaganda.”

    As liberals cry out about the Nazi shit, Trumpers delight in their pain, further adding to the magnetism of Naziism.

    And of course there is a slice of the Right that have always been literal Nazis, explicitly. And that slice is larger than ever, with looser boundaries than before.

    Basically the divisive politics of the US have finally become big enough to be bigger than our feelings about Naziism. That’s really fucking big. But the political civil war we’re in the middle of is all about tearing down everything that came before as tired, corrupt lies. I guess that is includes simple basics like “Nazis are bad.”

    If you’re still confused and disgusted and horrified, you are in a lot of very good company.

  • One thing that’s absolutely exhausting me is the constant overreactions to every stupid turn of phrase that dribbles out of Trump’s mouth. He says to a television audience “please go vote, just this one time” and the left FREAK OUT because he’s ENDING ELECTIONS. He says the White House interpretation of the law will prevail over that of other federal agencies and the left FREAK OUT because he’s MAKING UP THE LAWS NOW. He uses a trite phrase to aggrandize himself and people FREAK OUT because WE’RE A NAZI MONARCHY NOW.

    This shit isn’t helping. Trump’s diarrhea of the mouth needs to be heard for what it is: the babblings of a deranged fantasist.

  • Taiwan absolutely found a niche. Its manufacturing capability is what makes it a strategic ally for the US.

    Singapore’s niche is more like several niches from financial services to precision manufacturing and medical research. But it all runs on their skilled workforce. Not “politics.”

    A niche will be based on whatever you have. If you have nothing but cheap labor, that’s not great, but it is something. To sell that labor to wealthy foreign corporations isn’t just getting dominated by them, it’s how China has raised millions out of poverty.

    Being poor and undeveloped is a shitty hand to try to play, but that doesn’t change the game. Use what you have. Find what you’re best at.